Chapter 10: The official meeting

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How I reached here. That's a really short story. Just when I started my car and went back, I got a call from Aditya. They had already reached Mehra house and he sent me the live location which is how I found out that I hadn't been pranked earlier but was getting pranked by that girl.

I swear if I saw her again and then I did, that was her home. She was Riya's sister. And turns out Riya is the one Aditya met that day in the restaurant and Irisha is her younger sister and also the girl I have met not once but three times. Heck! We even talked on the call. She was the bakery owner from that day.

I know because I met Riya in bakery that day. She is so polite unlike the troublemaker.

Just how many times have we came across each other without realising that we have met each other. This is unbelievable.

And guess the milestone! Well don't, because I will tell you. She is the one Badi ma and Bhabhi met in the grocery store that day and couldn't stop talking about and also the same girl Mr. and Mrs. Sharma told her about for my potential to be wife.


Let's sum it up as Sakhi said, Three time ain't crazy, it's fate.

I did not just say that. Let me just take my words back. That was so - so unlike Veer Singh Raichand.

But what is not unlike me is letting her go this easily after she messed up with me so many times.

For a fact I am aware that whereas she has our meeting all figured out and is well known of those well - uh! iconic encounters, she is still unaware of the whole marriage game our parents are planning and that makes me feel like I have a upper hand over her and I am going to use it to my want.

I am not dumb and it's the easiest thing to figure it out that Badi ma and Bade papa didn't decide to tag along Aditya's parents to meet Riya, his future wife. Future because I already know that it's going to be a yes from both of them. They seem to really like each other. The spark is there. The spark that I have seen in Badi ma and Bade papa's eyes everytime they look at each other.

Anyways we were talking about us. I do know that it's not a coincidence that they were prepared for not three but six guests and that they had it all planned. Have me and her meet and get to know each other a bit and if we come to like one another, they will talk about our marriage.

Sounds like a great freaking plan. Even I was almost tricked. Woahh! I am impressed.

I watch, naah stare her like a freaking creep unable to take my eyes off her as she walks in front of me not caring to even as much as put efforts in telling me what direction we were going in her home.

She was smart and she knows that I didn't say yes for a house tour but she also refuses to break the silence first. She is waiting for me to take the bait and that's where she is wrong.

Veer Singh Raichand never does that. He lets his prey take the bait and then devours on them. She, however, isn't a prey but I do for a reason know that every moment with her is going to be iconic, maybe? and surely mine.

We reach near a room and she stops making me halt in my place.

She turns to face me, takes a deep breath in and I can almost see it, her mask coming off.

She is letting it go, guess I did misunderstood. She seems to take up on a fight but is giving in.

"Alright, What is it that you want?" She questions, throwing me a look that screams, 'Go jump from the second floor and I won't give a shit.'

I simply grin at her, "I am still waiting for my house tour."

I decide it will be fun to agitate her.

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