Chapter 12: Noor-e-nazar

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Irisha, what does that mean? Rainbow. She sure does seem like a ray of those colours.

On my way to the office her image kept knocking through my mind. I mean who tells their guests the wrong way to their home. And that reminds me, I really need to get even with her for the stupid prank she played on me.

Ugh! Why is she so I don't know but how did she manage to impress Badi ma and Bade papa and Sia bhabhi, everyone in just one meeting.

My initial plan was to go and meet the girl and then refuse Badi ma that we wouldn't work out but the girl turning out to be her left me grappling with a swirl of conflicting emotions.

I mean it's not that her eyes were really pretty.

'What the hell Veer?' My inner voice screamed at me in an accusing manner and I scrunched up my nose.

Why am I so stuck on her eyes?

Oh! I know it's the way she looks at me everytime like I committed a crime even coming close to her.

Whatever it's not like I want to suddenly marry her on anything like that or like her but it's just that there might be another solution to Badi ma's worry and that seems much more appealing to me than my sick of an excuse when they seem to be head over heels for her.

As I settled into the solitude of my room, the events of the day played out in my mind like a script that Scarlett mostly reads out to us all.

What will my friends tell me anyways when I tell them it's a particular brown eyed girl I am lost in thought of.

'Veer again'

I rolled my eyes at my conscience and went to the washroom to change my clothes.

My first impression of the honey brown eyed hadn't been stellar, to put it mildly. Her accusation during our first encounter had sparked a flame of irritation within me.

And then the second conversation we had crossed the limits, and second meeting, the advice she was throwing at Nakul and Arya but thank God she changed her mind which is why I am even more conflicted because at the end of the day she was the one who solved their issues.

Yet, as I observed the interactions between our families, it became evident that my sentiments were not universally shared.

Aditya was oblivious to the complexities that unfolded in my mind. He was preoccupied with finding his first love, and I found myself grappling with the reality that I was the one ensnared in a web of unspoken obligations.

My mother's excitement and the admiration the girl garnered from Bade papa only added to the complexity of the situation.

It wasn't like my family was forcing me to get married or something but I get that they are worried for me and honestly I can't just ignore them. I just want my Badi ma to have peaceful sleep without thinking that her son must be having a nightmare or he must be alone in his penthouse or that he must not have eaten any food.

I just want to give them a smile and I knew this will make my Badi ma the happiest.

Besides I couldn't deny a certain fascination with that girl. I mean our interactions has been crazy but as Sakhi puts it, they might be more like fate.

Her defiance, the fire in her eyes - it was a departure from the mundane interactions I was accustomed to. Veer Singh Raichand doesn't lacks girls and the cold shoulder is definitely not what I get but then again it's not like I care about that but I do care about getting even with her for pulling that prank on me.

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