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There are really only two types of people during the end of the world. The people who keep it together and try to survive, and the people who lose their shit and break down the second something goes wrong. And the people of London would soon have to make that choice on which person they wanted to be. As the world before we knew it came to an end.

Desmond ducked down and covered his ears. The sound of explosions and screaming could be heard from above. Today marks month 6 since God knows what infiltrated London. Desmond closes his eyes, trying to calm himself as he feels the stress slowly build up.

His friends were helping him hold the door closed while others tended to the crying children in the corner who were cold and hungry. Resources were low and we were desperate to find a way to salvage it all.

"What do we do?!" The female screamed, holding the children close to her. Desmond looked at her, searching his brain for an answer. His expression was quiet and unknowing as he sighs quietly.

"We need to keep the kids warm" Is all he can utter as a harsh knock can be heard from the other side of the door. Everyone went still and quiet for a moment. Just a moment.

"Do not open it! I repeat, do NOT open that door!" Another man yelled, putting more force on the door. Desmond looked around at their situation - They had to barricade the door while a group of cold and hungry children huddled in the corner with three other adults.

How did things come to this? Desmond vividly remembered how it started. Flashbacks went through his mind like a slideshow as he became overcome with his emotions.

The sapphire.

The nobles.


It was all his fault. He closed his eyes as he tried to calm himself down. He could feel the air fighting to process in his damaged lungs as his muscles tensed tighter than ever before.

This was all his fault. And now it was up to him to fix it. Before they all ended up dead.

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