Among Broken Bridges

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I was always good at confrontation. It was never an issue for me. But the moments leading up to confronting Ezra about how I was feeling was completely different and I couldn't help but freak out over it.

Because, what am I to say? That I liked him? That I was angry with him? Hurt? What does one say when confronted with big feelings? I didn't know what to do, so I went to the only person I could trust.

"So let me get this straight... You like Ezra. As in. Ezra barlow? As in, the man you wanted gone not even three months ago?" Mira asked, biting into an apple as she flipped through her book.

She was right. Why was I suddenly switching up with how I felt? Did I hate him or did I love him? I pinched the bridge of my nose, leaning back a bit.

"I don't know, Mira... That's why I came to you-" I reply quietly, watching as Rune walks in. Rune wrapped an arm around Mira, sighing. "And what's with you two? Are you two like... a thing now?"

Rune and Mira glanced at each other before Mira cleared her throat, smiling softly. "We are just close friends, Desmond. Am I not allowed to be friendly towards people?" She asked, rather defensively. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It was just a question." I say quietly, crossing my arms as I stare at her.

" A stupid question" She retorted bluntly. I realised I wouldn't get much help from this, so I got up, getting a sigh out of the two in front of me.

"Look, the best advice I can give is to just be honest with yourself. Do what you need to do for the right reasons." Mira said, finally offering some advice. I nodded to her, smiling softly as I left the cabin.

Did that help? No, not really. But it felt nice knowing someone cared. Rune and Mira were something I did feel I had to bring up again just not right at the moment.

Right now, I need to find Ezra. And I needed to talk to him. I felt my heart racing just at the thought of knowing I am about to talk to him about something. Allow myself to be vulnerable.

But I had to get over it. Oreiko was strong. Mira was strong. Afia was.... Here. It was my turn to do something I was afraid of. Because life is about doing things we don't want to do. We just have to do them anyway.

Plus, I only had two choices. One, tell him and get this burden off my chest, or two... suffer. It was a no brainer. But when I reached the cabin, my heart skipped a beat.

My eyes stared at the wooden door. My hands felt sweaty and my eyes were darting everywhere. What was I doing? About to confess to the prince? A confession I wasn't even sure was true?

I couldn't bring myself to knock. So I just stood there like a creep. Every noise around me blurred into nothingness. And I felt myself wanting to get this stupid feeling out my chest. Because it was unrealistic.

I have no idea what part of me thought this was a good idea. Maybe it was Mira's support? Or maybe it was the feeling of wanting to know for once. Know if I was a fool to feel these things.

Finally, I opened the door, and as expected, Ezra was laying on his cot, writing in his journal. Ever since my freak out with the book, he stopped reading as much and switched to writing.

Poetry is what he said he liked writing. "It's amazing how the power of words can inspire someone and move an entire audience's hearts.." He would say. I didn't get it. I liked journaling every so often but not full out writing.

Writing seemed excessive. Tiring. Mentally exhausting. To be condemned to a book. "Writing again?" I ask quietly, leaning against the doorframe. Ezra looks over at me, a small frown on his face.

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