The Labyrinth

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A maze is what awaited us at the other end of that door. A maze that seemingly stretched on for miles.

"What is this?" Mira mumbled under her breath. Her eyes sparkled in curiosity as she began to walk into the labyrinth. Surely we could have gone a different way.. But by the time we found it, we most likely would have been confronted by whoever was outside.

I took a deep breath and jumped up as high as I could, barely able to see over the tall grassy walls. From what I could see, there were a few larger openings not far off from where we were. Now, I couldn't tell you if that was our exit or not. But it couldn't hurt to try to get to at least one of those openings.

"Desmond! Are you coming?" Mira turned her head, a small smile on her face. I shrugged and scanned the area again. It was dark. I didn't like the dark and I wasn't very good at directions. She was already walking around, turning the corner.

"Mira, wait." I muttered, following after her. It was a bit chilly in this room. Thank gods we had at least one or two blankets with us. "Let's take this slow. Think about it a bit. We don't want to go too fast. If we get lost, there is no way we will find the way out."

Mira put a hand on her hip and turned to face me again. Her nose scrunched up slightly. An easy way for me to tell she was seriously thinking about something. She did it a lot. It was cute, or at least in my eyes it was. Mira didn't quite think the same way I did.

"It's dark. I can't see the best. But we can feel it, right?" She placed a hand on the wall. It was true that it was hard to see, almost impossible. As the sun was fully set by the time we got to the maze. I ran a hand across the wall of the maze and felt the cool leaves.

"I guess... But what about us? I can barely see you as is, how are we going to navigate around?" I asked quietly. Mira's eyes scanned the surroundings a bit, slightly strained from the lack of light.

"Uhm... I'm sure we can figure that out... What if we hold hands?" Mira suggested. I shook my head. That wouldn't work. I didn't have free hands. I was carrying food stored in a bag in one hand and in the other, I held a bucket of water.

"No-go on that.. I have way too much in my hands." I mutter, taking a step forward. A small crunch from the leaves getting crushed under my foot filled the silence. Sound. We can use sound.

"Mira, take a few steps forward-" I whisper, listening quietly as she takes two steps forward. The leaves are making a soft crunch under her feet. I nod. This might work.

"Mira, listen. Follow the sound I make with my feet okay?" I take a few steps back. And shortly after, I hear her footsteps approach me.

"This works- I suppose." Mira shrugged. I smile proudly, feeling like I accomplished something big when in reality, I just suggested we follow sound blindly. Well, not blindly. I could see ever so slightly. But it was hard to make out what was in front of me. I felt like a newborn baby barely getting a feel of vision. But it heightened my other senses ever so slightly.

We needed to start moving. I took a deep breath and took a step forward, Mira's footsteps followed close behind.

"If you can't hear me, shout. Okay?" I turn my head, seeing Mira's dimmed silhouette close behind. I can faintly see her nod as I sigh, taking a deep breath before walking down the darkened path. I listened closely to the leaves.

The quietness of the night was unnerving and I didn't like it. It felt isolating in a sense. Like I was alone. Even though Mira was right behind me. I shook my head, using the bucket of water to feel around my surroundings, praying I wouldn't run into a dead end.

This reminded me of a game I played with Mira when we were young. We would turn the lights off in our room and play hide and seek with some other kids. Using sound to navigate around. I would always lose that game. Being quiet was hard for me.

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