Banquet Full of Lies

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Upon entering, I immediately noticed a significant decrease in attendance. Last year, over 200 people sat at the table, but now only about 60 were present. Men and women dressed in lavish clothing filled the seats.

"Desmond and Mira have arrived," Ezra announced. In almost an instant, the chattering came to a pause and all eyes were now on us. My heart sank as I looked at the nobles and the royal family. Many people I remembered from last year. A year I wish I could erase.

Some gave us looks of disgust while others gave Mira and me a smile. It wasn't a genuine smile but a smile nonetheless. Mira took my hand and squeezed it gently. I took notice of her nervousness by nudging her slightly, giving her a look of attempted comfort before looking back at the people sitting.

Mira and I bowed and the nobles returned with a nod. It took everything in me to just smile. I hated the nobles. They were all so cocky and full of themselves.

Mira placed the fruit salad down as I presented the corn and wheat to them, and the Queen ordered one of the guards to carry the crops out of the room and to the kitchen.

"Right well, that's all then. Have a seat." The king said, gesturing towards two seats on the far end. I thanked him quietly and walked with Mira to our seats. Once we sat down, the talking resumed. We had survived the first part of the night.

"We thank you for inviting us once more, even after the events of last year." Mira smiled. I glanced at her, fidgeting with my fingers as I reached for the water, and took a sip. I would much rather have wine but we weren't allowed it. Another thing I hated about the nobles. Greedy, selfish people in expensive clothing thinking they are better than us just because of their title. In reality, they were just people.

"Oh, it's no issue. I do enjoy your dishes, Mira. I would happily invite you back over any time. And your friend too I suppose. You two seem to stick together like glue!" The king replied, and an erupt of laughter filled the room. I clenched my jaw as I felt my grip tighten on the glass.

They practically said I was only here because they liked Mira. But to be fair, it was easy to like Mira. She was a sweet, caring, and beautiful young woman. I have never once met someone who claimed they hated Mira. Ever.

Mira glanced over at me, moved her arm across to mine and gave me a reassuring smile. I sighed and closed my eyes. I can't afford another slip-up. Not now. Not ever.

With a big smile, the queen exclaimed, "Let the banquet commence!" Cheers erupted as guests reached for their wine and food. The sound of clinking glasses filled the room.

I played with my food, not feeling hungry as I observed others. They talked among themselves, boasting about who made how much money and whose kid did what last Tuesday. I stood up and bowed after a deep breath.

"Your Majesty, please excuse me. I am feeling a bit dizzy... Is it possible for me to step outside to get some fresh air in the garden?" I requested. The king briefly glanced at me and gestured for me to leave. Of course, I didn't actually feel dizzy. But I wanted out.

I lowered my expression and bowed again before hastily leaving the room. I walked out to the garden and took a seat on the marble steps. As I gazed out at the bushes and patches of growing roses and tulips, I couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of it all.

As I was in the garden, a voice demanded from behind, "What are you doing in my garden?" Turning around, an angry prince stood before me, causing me to groan and turn back around.

Ezra approached me slowly as I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, "I asked you a question." He spat

"I got permission from your father to come outside. Not that you are any good at paying attention," I retorted. Ezra's footsteps halted just inches behind me, and I could hear him scoff as he shifted his weight.

"Is that how you speak to your Prince?" he asked with a tone laced with pettiness and sarcasm. The urge to turn around and silence him permanently was overwhelming, but I knew the consequences would be far worse than a mere fire that was accidental.

I stood up and turned to face the other person. He had a smug and cocky look on his face as he tilted his head to the side. Feeling frustrated, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to collect my thoughts. After a moment, I opened my eyes again and looked at him.

"My apologies, Your Highness," I said with a forced but polite tone. Ezra gave me an unreadable look before nodding. One thing I liked about him being a prince was that he couldn't really say much. He had a reputation to uphold and I was going to use that to my advantage as much as possible.

We sat there in awkward silence. Fine by me to be honest. Any conversation I had with him felt like someone was beating my head in with a rock and it was getting to the point where I was considering leaving after having to spend even a few moments with him. Unfortunately, that silence didn't last long, however as Ezra cleared his throat and stepped forward again.

"Y'know, you should be lucky that I invited you and Mira. After the little stunt you pulled last year I should have had you executed." His tone was exasperating and so full of itself. I took a deep breath and turned to face him again.

As I was about to reply, I abruptly heard rapid footsteps rushing into the garden. I turned my head towards Ezra and saw Mira standing there with widened eyes and a visibly unnerved expression."Desmond... Prince Barlow... Come to the great hall... something has happened.." She murmured in a quick, panic-stricken tone.

"What is it? What happened?" Ezra asked, turning to her as he crossed his arms. I took a long look at Ezra's seemingly calm body language before looking back at Mira, whose body language wasn't anywhere near like how the Prince presented his.

"Dunno... but a bellman is in the great hall with a paper... and he looks very frightened... the castle is on lockdown until further notice.." Without wasting another second, we ran to the great hall.

All the nobles and the royal court were gathered around in the room. And as Mira had said, the castle gates were closed, and smoke had filled the air.

"You're Highness's..." The bell boy began, fidgeting with his paper. "I fear that the end is here..." Seconds after his sentence left his mouth, screaming filled the silence of the night from the town as well as pounding on doors.

There was a heavy silence as we were all left in the dark about what was out there. However, a sense of foreboding lingered in the air.

None of us knew what to do or when to do it, all we knew was that we had to leave as soon as possible... 

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