The Rush of the Hour

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In a hurry, we rushed out of the lake spot and down the narrow trail leading back to the village. We pushed past people as we made our run.

Once we got home, I swung the door open and hurried into the kitchen with Mira as we frantically took our items out for preparation.

"I do not have enough time to make pie... I'll just have to make a fruit salad and hope it's enough for the King and Queen." Mira rinsed off some more fruit before transporting them to a separate bowl.

I cleaned off the dirt on the corn and hummed softly, placing them in a separate basket along with some apples, oranges, and the wheat from earlier.

"Hey Desmond, it's a good idea to put the locket in the bag now so you can return it," Mira suggested after a few minutes. We quickly left with our treats while she spoke. I shook my head and made sure the door was locked before we went on our way.

As we walked to the crowded castle, I told Mira I needed time to think. Despite my smile and promise to think about it, Mira seemed unsatisfied and a bit upset.

Mira expressed frustration and annoyance, worried we would be late and the King and Queen would wonder where their treats were. We have never been late to a banquet before and being late now was frustrating to no end for both of us. Mainly Mira. She was a perfectionist and I'm sure this small event threw her off.

"C'mon... let's cut through the back," I muttered, grabbing Mira's arm as we turned around and ran backward. We cut behind backyards and behind the church.

As we were running, the sound of trumpets playing reached our ears once again. The banquet had already begun, and we were not even halfway there yet. I muttered a curse under my breath. I must admit, I am not the most athletic person, so running was not easy. Moreover, I was carrying some vegetables with me. If only we had left earlier. If only we hadn't stopped to explore that lake.

Mira shouted, "We won't arrive on time!" I turned to her briefly as we ran, thinking for a moment. There has to be a way for us to get there in time. Maybe we weren't running fast enough? Or maybe there was a faster route we didn't know about.

"Oh, but we have to! This opportunity can help us rectify the aftermath of last year." Memories of the previous year came flooding back. The fire had originated from a minor error in the kitchen, but the consequences were devastating. Much was lost that day.

The plan was to keep running. We weren't going to stop for nothing. This banquet was incredibly important for the people of London. It wasn't every day you got the chance to meet with the royal family or the elites so this was very important for us to get to.

As we continued running, the sounds of screaming could be heard a few miles away. I'm sure it was people arguing to get into the castle in time for the banquet as it had just begun. Fights broke out very often this time of year anyway.

"I can see the castle!" Mira shouted, pointing to the gates as the lights shone through the trees. For a brief moment, I felt a sense of relief. We were going to make it after all.

With all the strength we had left, we lunged forward, making it inside the castle. I looked over at Mira who, like me, was panting and crouched down, trying to catch her breath.

Sweat trickled down our foreheads as we collectively tried to slow our heart rates. While we were busy trying to cool off, a voice disrupted our silence.

"Desmond Silverthorne? Mira Whitlock?" We looked over to the source of the voice. Standing tall and confident was the Prince. I gave him a small smile, which he returned with a polite nod.

"Prince Barlow!" Mira stood upright, bowing. She glanced at me and cleared her throat. My eyes darted to her before scrambling to my feet, bowing as well.

"Please accept my apologies for our delay, Prince Barlow. We encountered a detour while gathering berries and corn, and we didn't realise how late it was getting," I explained. Despite my explanation, Ezra seemed to brush off the apology, which is a common attitude among the nobles towards us "poor" folk.

He whispered, "Come quickly, we've been waiting to start our feast," leading us to the royal dining room. Mira and I follow him quietly and I can't help but feel dread as I begin to walk further into the castle. 

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