I love him, I love him not.

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I woke up bright and early the next day. My eyes immediately shot towards where I remember Ezra sleeping.

The cot was empty.

I didn't know if I felt relieved or disappointed that he wasn't there. But either way, I got out of bed and ran a hand through my nappy hair.

I was in no way a morning person. But yet I always found myself waking up before the sun did. I sighed and looked out the window.

The sun was coming up behind Arizona and I smiled softly. It was a site to behold. It looked amazing. I leaned back and watched the sunrise. Things like this I wish would last forever.

"What are you looking at?" A voice asked behind me. I felt my heart drop as I turned around quickly before frowning. Ezra was standing there, leaning against the doorframe to the bathroom.

"None of your business." I snap back, crossing my arms. Ezra's expression hardened as he walked over, pushing past me to look out the window.

He stood there for a while and just looked outside before turning back towards me. "Sunrise looks pretty." He says softly, walking over to his cot and sitting down.

"Yeah, I know. Which is why I was standing there– before you decided it was a bright idea to move me out the way." I grumbled, shooting him another one of my glares.

"I wanted to see," He deadpanned. I raised both my eyebrows and rolled my eyes.

"You didn't have to put your stupid hands on me. Just ask me to move, idiot!" I shouted.

"Are you always like this?"

"Like what, smartass?"

"Violent? Feisty? Loud?"

"I am none of those!"

"Are too, Des."

"Desmond." I corrected him. He gives me a soft smile and puts his hands in his pockets.

"Are too, Desmond." He repeated, correcting himself. I give him a smug smile and puff my chest out slightly to appear taller, crossing my arms around my chest.

Ezra kept his gaze on me for the longest time before sighing, shaking his head.

"You're definitely a character, Desmond." He says quietly before turning around, leaving me alone in the cabin.

I'm what now? What did he mean by that– was that a compliment or an insult? I felt my face burn. I get flustered way too easily and I hated that.

Was he saying this to be a complete asshole or was he trying to hint at something more sweet?

I immediately shook my head and rubbed my eyes. What the hell are you thinking, Desmond?! It's Ezra. He is nothing but selfish and rude.

But yet, a small ping of doubt sat in the back of my mind. Something told me that he really was here to see me. But I quickly forced that thought out of my brain.

I had better things to do this morning anyway. I left the cabin and headed to Mira and Afia's. When I walked inside, Mira and Afia were talking amongst themselves. Mira's gaze met mine as she quickly got up.

"Des! Where were you?!" She shouted, rushing over to me and wrapping her cold arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"Rune asked me to bunk with a new member of the village–" I replied quietly. Mira's eyes lit up as she smiled.

"Awh! Someone new? That's great, Desmond! Who is it?" I felt that lump appear in my throat again as I looked at her, putting my hands in my pockets.

"He isn't that important–" I muttered with a small shrug, trying to play it off. But Mira just got more interested then she was just a second ago.

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