A Glimpse of Hope

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I woke up with a horrible headache. I felt like I couldn't open my eyes. I tried to move around but immediately cried out as pain shot up my leg and lower back. I didn't know what was going on.

I didn't hear anything and was starting to wonder if I was dead. What happened before I passed out? I remember the howling. Getting chased by the weird crawly things. Mira. I saw Mira. Where was Mira?

For a moment, everything felt still. Quiet. But nowhere near peaceful. My body hurt and my mind was racing. Where was Mira?

I swear I saw her before I fainted. Then it hit me. Was I dead? Did I die? Panic set in for a moment. Just a moment. But suddenly, as if my brain remembered it was supposed to work, my eyes opened. Afia and Mira stood over me, both visibly concerned.

"Oh my god, Kodi! I thought you died, you stupid bitch!" Mira screamed, tears falling down her face. I groan and try to sit up. But pain shot up my back again and I clenched my jaw, laying back down with a grunt.

"Hey man, rest easy, you lost quite a bit of blood." Afia whispered, crouching down to get a better look at me. I shot him a glare and looked around.

"What happened?" I asked quietly. I felt like absolute shit.

"You got attacked, that's what happened." Mira responded with a sigh. "Messed up your leg really bad"

So that explains the pain in my leg. Slowly, I forced myself to sit up. Snow filled my vision and pain shot up my back again. I cried out in pain but kept myself up.

Mira watched intently, looking like she was ready to jump in at any given moment.

I closed my eyes and allowed the pain to subside before moving up a bit more.

Slowly, my eyes opened again and I looked around. My eyes scan the area. We were in a small cabin. Two sleeping bags lay on the floor.

The windows were boarded up and our bags lay on one of the sleeping bags.

"Where are we?" I found it weird that the cabin wasn't ruined, considering every village we passed by was ruined.

"You're in a safety camp." Someone replied. I looked over at the door. Standing there was a person. Their crystal blue eyes scanned me quietly.

I eyed them up and down, sizing them up. I take a deep breath and straighten my back out all the way.

"Who are you?" I asked quietly. The person in response sighed and ran a hand through their white braids.

"Rune. I helped build this village." Rune. I nod slowly and glanced out the doorway behind her.

A few cabins were visible. I nod again to myself. I was forming a map in my head. If this cabin was here, along with other cabins, that meant there had to be a wall of some kind surrounding the area.

"You seem tired- we tried wrapping your leg up as best as we would. You got chewed up pretty bad. It is a miracle that you survived." Rune continued, turning to the door and closing it, walking over to me. They crouch down and look at me, studying me in a sense.

"What was that? The thing that attacked me?" I asked. Rune stayed silent for a moment before giving me a soft smile.

"You got attacked by a Zarc." They responded. A Zarc? First a Mollark and now a Zarc? What were all these things and who the hell was naming them?

Rune must have known what I was thinking, because they sighed and dug into their pocket, pulling out a small journal. It looked like the pages were holding on for dear life with how much shit got packed into its pages.

"Here. Read this when you want. It will answer whatever you may have questions to. In a bit, try to get up. Food will be ready soon. If you can't move, don't worry about it. Food will be brought to you." Rune set the journal down next to me, giving me a soft smile before they turned around and opened the door, leaving me alone with Mira and Afia.


I totally forgot he existed for a hot second. I turned to him and studied his posture. He had a sling on. How did that happen?

He was spaced out, staring at the wall seemingly lost in his thoughts. Mira was sitting down on one of the cots, staring at me intently. She looked worried. Her expression changed drastically from the happy cheery form of herself yesterday.

It was crazy how much a person can change in one day. Especially someone as innocent and sweet as Mira.

I took a deep breath and, with all my remaining strength, I stood up, using a table next to me to stabilise my balance.

The white snow came back into my vision and my head hurt worse than before. Mira quickly got up on her feet and walked towards me. She looked like she was ready to catch me.

But I was able to stay standing. Afia finally snapped out of It and looked over at me. His eyes moved up and down, examining me. There was too much examining for me to be comfortable with.

"Okay, I feel like I should fill you in. You were attacked, as you noticed by now. Afia and I worked to scare them off.. And we carried you back here." Mira explained quietly, speaking to me slowly and calmly. I looked at her, confused and tired.

"Where is the kid?" I heard myself ask. To be honest, I didn't care much for the little girl, but for some reason I found myself asking. Did she die? Was she somewhere in camp?

Mira's face softened a bit as she shrugged. "The baby is fine." She began, tucking her bangs behind her ears. Afia nodded subtly, leaning back a bit.

"Where is the kid?" I repeated, my eyes darting around the room. Mira took a step back and looked at me as if I was losing it.

"She's in a different cabin, for children. However I assume she is being seen by a medical professional." I felt my body relax at this, nodding at the new found information.

What I have gathered is that we were in a village that was protected by some sort of wall. There was a special cabin for the kids. And they somehow already know how to defend themselves against the monsters.

Rune. I took an interest in Rune. They seemed like they knew a lot. My eyes glanced over at the small journal they gave me. I reached over and slowly picked it up.

It was, like I mentioned earlier, falling apart. The pages struggled to stay bound together as a bunch of random things got stuffed inside.

I opened up to the first page, reading the entries. 

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