The One Who Joined the Stars

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One day, Mira woke me up early. I looked over at her, blinking slowly. My eyes were adjusting to the dark, and when they did, Mira's distressed expression was clear.

"What–" I whispered, sitting up. She didn't respond, instead, she grabbed my arm, dragging me out of bed and out the cabin. She doesn't wait for me to get my shoes on or anything.

"Mira! Slow down!" I called out, but Mira was determined to lead me somewhere. We ran to the cabin Oreiko was in. I raised an eyebrow as I saw the windows boarded up.

Mira opened the door and finally let go. My eyes left her and looked at two people, assumingly doctors judging by how they were dressed, hovering over a cot.

Laying on the cot was Oreiko. I felt my heart drop. What happened? Just the other day, Oreiko and I were playing in the garden with Mira, making flower crowns for people.

I hurried over but was ushered away by one of the doctors. His gaze burned into me as he took a deep breath.

"She's sick... We advise that no one goes near her until symptoms improve. We assume it's the flu." He explains. I felt my heart racing.

Once again, I tried to approach Oreiko, but this time, the doctor pushed me away.

"What did I JUST say?" His tone was annoyed. I narrowed my eyes at him, annoyed myself. Why was he making this such a big deal?

"I heard what you said. I just don't CARE. Now let me see the damn kid." I said with adversity, my expression sharp. The doctor didn't back down, however.

"Like I said sir. The kid is sick. We don't want to risk other people getting sick right now. Please understand." The doctor's voice was pleading but his expression was bored. That pissed me off.

But I bit my tongue and slowly backed away, putting my hands in my pockets. "Fine." I said between clenched teeth, watching the doctor silently. The doctor gave me a small smile before turning back to Oreiko.

Mira looked at me with clear resentment. What did she expect me to do about it? The last thing I needed was to piss off the people who are caring for the kid.

Afia joined us in the room moments later. His gaze on the doctors. He walked forward, but the doctor stopped him like he did me.

But Afia just shoved past him and kneeled down next to Oreiko, ignoring the doctor's shouts and protests. Mira joined beside him, brushing some hair out of Oreiko's face. The doctors muttered things under their breath as they left.

"How are you feeling, baby?" She whispered, smiling at the other. Oreiko smiled back, sitting up a bit. She was coughing.

"I feel okay..." She replied weakly. Her voice was so different it was insane. I felt my heart shatter at her tone. She sounded so tired, so weak. So dead. She was deteriorating right in front of us.

Just a few months ago I never thought I would care about something so small and innocent. But now this child has found a way into my heart. And I couldn't just watch her die.

The next few days, I found myself worried for the small child. I found every way to distract myself. Mira hasn't left Oreiko's cabin either. She spent her entire time there. Afia and I would take turns taking them food.

Rune would also spend a lot of time in that cabin, comforting Mira. I noticed how close those two were getting but I never asked about it.

Rune became Mira's escape. Mira's distraction from it all. And Ezra was starting to become mine. As much as I didn't want to admit it, he was starting to creep into my heart.

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