A Rift in the Rain

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Today we had to stay in our cabins. Apparently, a Zarc made its way into the village. Rune suspects that it dug a hole under the fence that protected us.

They spent their entire day trying to track it down. Which meant I had to spend most of today with Ezra. He was laying in his own cot, reading.

I looked over at him. What was he reading? He never came across as a reader in my opinion. He must have felt my eyes on him because his eyes met mine.

"What?" He asked. I felt his gaze burning into me but I just shrugged, gesturing towards his book.

"What are you reading?" I ask quietly. As if forgetting he was even reading a book, he looked down in his hand. A confused expression on his face.

"Huh-" He whispered, showing me the cover of the book.

"Prince's little servant." Ironic. I scoffed at the name and felt all my hate for him flooding back. No longer did I feel like maybe he could be redeemed. No longer did I feel anything towards him at the moment.

No longer did I believe him and I could be more than enemies. I was naive to think otherwise.

"What..?" He spoke in a gentle tone. I shot him a glare and pointed at the title of the book.

"Prince's little servant? Really?" I snapped. He blinked slowly, as if not understanding my anger. And that clueless look on his face just made me hate him even more.

"It was the only book available in the library- besides Romeo and Juliet– and I already read that book." His explanation meant nothing to me.

"Then you should have read it again." I said in-between clenched teeth. His confusion just intensified from there. He put the book down and sat up.

"I'm not understanding what you're giving me shit about, Desmond." He said calmly. Of course he didn't understand. He was a self-centred prick who thought he could do no wrong.

"You should have read it again." I repeated angrily. He didn't respond this time. He just frowned and stood up.

"You want to be like this? Fine." He seemed really angry this time. He grabbed the book and opened the door, throwing it out.

Now why would he do that? To make a point? To be a dick? There was no need for that. I bawled my hands into fists and screamed at him.

"You idiot! You can't just ruin private property like that!" Ezra narrowed his eyes at me and slammed the door shut, glaring at me.

"What do you WANT from me, Desmond?! I leave you behind, you're pissed. I come back to find you, you give me the cold shoulder. I act friendly towards you, you treat me like I just killed a dog in front of you. I ignore you, you get upset. I don't ignore you, you tell me to piss off. I read a book, you yell at me. And when I fucking get rid of it, you call me an idiot." His voice rose every sentence, and it made me stop and just stare at him.

He took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. "What am I supposed to do? I'm trying to be a better person. Do you understand the fight I had with my father just to get here?"

To be honest, no. I didn't understand. I never thought about it. And I felt guilt strike my heart and my mind. But I didn't let that guilt show. Why didn't I just say I was sorry? Why was I being such a dick?

Because I was still hurt, I answered myself. Because I was betrayed. And now it was the end of the fucking world and I had no plan.

And I was taking all that pain out on him. Did he deserve it? Not entirely. But he was a big reason for all my hurt.

He waited for a response to his question. A response I would not give him. No matter what.

I looked outside. It is raining now. I loved the rain. The sound of it, not the feeling. The rain was like an unspoken melody that soothed every part of my soul. I closed my eyes and listened to it fall.

I could hear Ezra sigh behind me, and I tried not to draw attention to it. I was trying to forget his existence in general to be honest. But I knew that was impossible.

"So that's your plan? You're going to ignore me now, is that right?" Ezra's tone was just above a whisper. I looked over at him, finally, and frowned.

"Oh no– you don't get to be mad at me. I get to be mad at YOU." I snapped back. Ezra didn't react. He just sighed again and nodded.

"I understand." He responds, glancing out the window. For some reason, that hurt me. It made me feel bad. HE made me feel bad. But why?

I had no reason to feel bad. He just returned to his cot and I returned my gaze to the pouring rain. I saw Rune off in the distance. They looked concerned and distressed.

"Huh.." I whispered, getting up and grabbing an umbrella. I felt Ezra's gaze on me, but he didn't say anything. I held the umbrella high over my head and went out into the rain.

It was muddy. I never liked the mud before. But I ignored it as I trudged on silently. Every step had a squishing noise to it and I could feel the ground mould underneath me.

Thunder echoed through the silence of the village, making its presence known. The rain felt as if it was falling harder every step I took.

The closer I got to Rune, the more distressed they looked. When I finally reached Rune, I immediately took notice of the blood that sat on their clothes.

There was a dead Zarc on the floor, a spear pierced through its abdomen. Rune didn't acknowledge my presence. Their eyes stayed on the Zarc.

"Rune?" I called out, my eyes went back and forth from looking at Rune to the Zarc. Rune finally turned to me, their expression distant as they slowly put their hands in their pockets.

"It's raining, Desmond. Get back to your cabin–" Rune says quietly, staring at me with an unknowing expression. "We are leaving for a new village not far from here once the rain clears."

We were moving? Why? If the Zarc was dead, then there was no real danger. Was there? Rune usually kept to themself so there's no telling what Rune wasn't letting us know.

"I don't think that's necessary- is it? If it's a monster issue, then I'm sure we can figure things out– there are too many people to move at once." I don't think my pleading was getting through to Rune, because their bored gaze just met my distressed gaze, not reacting.

"We will discuss this in the morning. Please, go back to your cabin." Rune says, disregarding everything else I said. Discuss in the morning? They wanted to discuss such a big decision with me? I don't know what made me feel happy.

It gave me a sense of control. My entire life, I had to listen to dumb rules given to me by higher powers. And now I got to help decide what would happen next instead of blindly following the orders of someone ignorant.

And what felt even better was that Prince Ezra was here. And our roles were now reversed. I got to boss him around. And I swore to myself that I would make him feel exactly how he made everyone in Bibury feel.

I would make him regret taking advantage of his title. Make him regret not speaking up and leaving us to die along with everyone else.

He tossed us aside like we were trash, and now it was my turn. I wasn't going to show him mercy in the slightest. It was my turn, and Ezra would be my first and only target. 

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