A Close Brush With Death

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We walked past the ruins of villages. Most were caught on fire by the time we got there.

Afia said we were a little more than halfway to the laboratory. I didn't know how much I was willing to believe him but I went with it. As much as I don't want to believe it, he was our only hope at the moment.

The small child slept peacefully on Mira's back. She smiled softly as she held onto the child tightly to make sure she wouldn't fall.

I started taking mental notes of everyone's behaviours as well. Mainly Afia since he was one big mystery to me. He showed up out of nowhere. We didn't know his background or where he came from or who he was. Not that we really cared, I guess we were just more curious than anything.

We kept having to step over dead bodies. God the smell was so horrid I couldn't stand it. But the smell didn't seem to affect Afia. Strange. I added that to the long list of weird things Afia did or didn't mind.

He minded when leaves crunched under his feet. He didn't mind when people he didn't know talked to him. He minded blood, but didn't mind the smell. He minded me but didn't mind Mira.

Everything was so twisted with him and I couldn't understand it. He was a teenager with seemingly no backstory.

"How's the kid holding up?" Afia was the first to break the silence that day. He usually was. Mira smiled softly as she sighed, turning her head a bit to look at the small child that rested on her back.

"She's shivering... A bit cold I assume but she's okay." Mira says with a small hum, adjusting the child on her back a bit.

My arms were getting tired from holding all of our resources. I was one man holding five bags full of food and cloth.

"Hey Afia... You mind taking a bag or two?" I mutter, staring at him with so much annoyance that you'd think he'd realise he was being an ass and step up. But instead he shrugged and glanced at me, his expression bored.

"I would LOVE to help you out. I really would. But I'm trying to focus on getting us all to safety." God his replies were so snotty and full of itself. I narrowed my eyes at him, rolling my eyes as I took a deep breath.

This was going to be a long trip. And I wasn't quite ready for it to happen. Even if it already was. These past few days felt like a sick twisted nightmare. Everything was dead, everyone was gone, and monsters roamed. MONSTERS. Who would have guessed this is how the year would go?

I had a theory that this was the Monarchs plan. I wouldn't put it past them to find a way to summon these things to terrorise everyone who lived there. This was some sick punishment that they felt we deserved. Even if we didn't.

The sun was starting to set by the time we passed our fifth village that day. We had to find shelter. Usually we set up camp in a ruined house, barricading the doors and windows.

"Let's turn back and continue forward tomorrow" I decide with a sigh, pointing towards a village we cleared through. We were about to start heading there when the smell of flames filled my senses. The others seemed to smell it too because they both stopped walking.

"What's burning..?" Mira said quietly, looking around. Dumb question, everything was burning. It was the end of the world. But we all looked around anyway. There was smoke off in the distance. Near the woods.

"There aren't any houses in those parts of the woods-" Afia muttered under his breath, which made it all the more mysterious and exciting.

"Well let's go check it out." I say with a shrug, starting towards the woods. But when I didn't hear footsteps following me, I stopped, turning to look at the two. Mira was staring off in the distance and Afia was tense.

What the hell was their issue? I looked over to where their gaze was locked at and froze. Standing a few feet from us was a strange looking creature. It didn't look like the Mollark we saw earlier. No. The Mollark was tall. And blind. This creature looked like a wolf. But it was twisted in a way.

Its limbs were placed backwards and its face was long and bloody. God it was so disgusting. Suddenly, it raised its head up and let out a blood curling howl.

"Shit..." Afia muttered, his body tensed up as he backed away a bit. "Guys- we should go. Right now." As soon as he finished speaking, about eight more of the same creature emerged from the shadows.

What the fuck were those things?

"Guys. Run. NOW." In the blink of an eye, more of the same thing appeared, running towards us quickly.

"Holy fucking shit-" I mutter under my breath as we all turn around. Running as quickly as possible into the woods. Mira was holding the baby tightly and I was struggling to keep a hold of the bags.

The creatures were fast. Too fast. We lost sight of Afia, and I quickly turned right. Their growls filled my ears.

Oh fuck. We are dead. We are so fucking dead. I turned back for just a moment. One of those things was on my trail. Just inches away from me. And Mira. Oh god, where is Mira?

"Mira!" I shouted, turning and circling back to where I came from all while trying to avoid these damn creatures. Out of the corner of my eye I see Afia gesture towards him. I took a deep breath and ran towards him.

I thought all was well until I heard a crack. My eyes widen as tears fall down my face. I fall onto the floor with a groan. Pain shot through my leg. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out.

I glanced over to see two of those fucking creatures gnawing at my leg. Fuck. I was in so much pain I couldn't bare it.

In the matter of moments, my vision went all fuzzy. It was hard to keep my eyes open. My breathing quickened.

For a moment, I saw Mira. Her and Afia were running towards me. She's safe. Thank god... I smiled softly as my eyes slowly closed.

And everything went dark.

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