Shattered Illusions

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The next thing I decided to check besides the outdoors was the kitchen and dining room. I took one more look at Mira before going to the dining room, leaving her alone in the room.

Half-empty plates lay on the long-abandoned table. The wine was displayed on an oak wooden shelf made in France. The seats were pushed back seemingly too quickly as there were scrape marks on the floor.

I turn to look at the other side of the dining room. Fruits accompanied by crackers and cheese sat on a small tray next to bottles of wine.

The feeling of emptiness this room emitted onto me was insane. Just a second ago, people were wining and dining and laughing among each other. The same people who dehumanised us in front of our very faces and left us for dead.

I picked up a wine glass and sat down on one of the chairs. As I gazed out the window, I took a sip of the wine. They left us for dead. I really let that sink in. It's not every day a feeling as such dawns on a person. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, unable to grasp what was going on in the King and Queen's mind just then.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching the room I was in and turned around. My gaze met with Mira's, who seemed to have finally snapped out of whatever trance she was in.

"We can't stay here for long." Is all she uttered before grabbing my arm and leading me to the great hall again, pointing to the window. I glanced at her before walking over to the window. Upon further looking, I noticed small holes in the gate. People were trying to break in.

I took a deep breath. We really can't get a break, can we? I looked over at Mira who only returned my gaze with a small nod. No words were shared but for some reason we both knew what we were thinking.

I hurried into the kitchen. Sitting on the counter was the bag I carried over here full of wheat and Corn. I opened up the cabinets and fridge and began filling up the bag with as much food as I could.

As I heard Mira's footsteps climbing up to the second floor, I assumed she was looking for some blankets to keep us warm. It gets pretty cold in London, you know. Taking a deep breath, I slung the bag of food over my shoulder.

Taking the food into the room I was in prior to the kitchen, I glance outside at the gate again. More and more of the wall has been chipped off and it looked like it wasn't going to hold off much more. I closed my eyes and sighed, shaking my head. What was going on? Why was this happening?

"Desmond!" Mira called out from upstairs. I turned my attention to her direction and began walking towards the stairs. The slick, marble, clean stairs that no one really went up.

"Yes?" I replied, peering at the ledge on top of the stairs. No response. I heard shuffling in one of the rooms and assumed she had been distracted looking for something else. I sigh and ascend up the stairs, running my hand along the handrail that was carefully designed by a skilled designer.

"Mira?" I called out again. This time she hummed in response. I walked down the narrow hall, paintings covered the dull off-white coloured walls. Standing on either side of me were wooden doors with carved initials in each door.

I stopped in front of the room I heard Mira in and stared at the door frame. It had a gold and silver border around it and the open door had the initials P.K on it. Whoever the hell P.K. It had good taste in design. From what I could see from the doorway, the room was nice. Not too much. Not too little.

"Mira?" I called out once again. I peeked my head into the room and took a look around. Mira stood on the edge of the bed, turning to look at me with a soft smile

"This room is beautiful, Desmond. Absolutely marvellous." She spoke in a soft tone, as if all the chaos that just occurred not even ten minutes ago hadn't happened.

But it was hard to deny that it was in fact beautiful. The architecture was extravagant and well planned. Whoever designed this room must have put all their effort into every inch of the room.

From the bed that had pillows in silk sheets, to the vanity that was made out of dark Caribbean oak wood slabs, it was truly a sight to see.

I almost forgot to mention the crowd outside if it weren't for the explosions and screaming.

"Oh! Mira we need to go- Have you packed up?" I glanced around and Mira turned to look at me again, a soft smile on her face

"Oh, Desmond. Can't we just sit and examine the beautiful architecture for one moment?" *She ran a finger across the polished walls, a soft hum coming from her strawberry red lips.

"I wish we could. Oh how badly I wish we could! But we must go. They are almost through the wall" Mira listened to my words quietly, giving me a small nod before pointing to a satin bag

"I collected some coins. Just in case. I found some blankets in the other room that I gathered near the staircase." She fixes her hair before taking a deep breath. "We will be okay." She walked out of the room and I could hear her footsteps descend down the stairs.

I took a moment to admire the room one last time before shoving the satin bag in my pocket and hurrying after Mira.

Mira waited for me near the garden entrance with the blankets and a bag that I would assume had spare clothes in it. I hoisted the bag of food over my shoulder and we both started for the exit at the end of the garden.

Upon entering the door, I couldn't help but think, you gotta be kidding me. There's no way it's...

"A maze.." Mira muttered in an unsure tone. We both exchanged glances at each other. The walls were tall and thick and seemingly went on forever. Who knew how long we would be here.

"You've GOT to be kidding me.." I punched the bridge of my nose in annoyance before nodding. "Well.. let's go. Before we lose all our light. I'd like to not be trapped here"

Mira nodded at my statement and we both took our first of many steps into the labyrinth.

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