Questions Unanswered

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The Journal was filled with elaborate drawings of the random monsters, some crushed herbs, and other sorts of things I didn't know the name of.

Some pages were torn out as well. I'm sure for good reason. Not any reason I cared for.

There was one species, however, that caught my attention.

 Emberlings. Human-like creatures. Violent and irritable. The only way you could tell it wasn't human was by a mark on its back.

A mark. What kind of mark? It didn't say. I flipped through the pages, finding one about Mollarks and Zarcs.

Mollarks: 8 feet tall. The mollark is blind.

Was it? It didn't seem that way when we saw it attack that woman.

However, it has amazing hearing and smell.

Oh. That makes more sense.. It's not like we were making any effort to be quiet.

They rip their victims apart, feeding on mainly the liver and heart.

I cringe reading that. It's not what you would expect to be honest looking at it. It looks like it would go for flesh rather than organs.

The next page talked about Zarcs.

Zarcs are usually found in packs.

No shit. Learned that without this journal.

Zarc appears wolf-like. Running on all fours. They only come out at night.

What kind of twilight bullshit is this? I turned through the pages. It was all mainly about the monsters, but every few pages there would be some type of herb taped to the page.

I didn't touch those. Who knew what they were? Well, it said what they were but it didn't describe them well.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Afia stand up. He looked over at me again for a long moment before putting his hands in his pockets.

"I'm going to the cafeteria. I'll pick us up some food." He said quietly, disappearing out the door. I didn't find myself caring where he was going. I reached over, pausing every so often thanks to the pain shooting up my leg.

I grab onto one of the bags and pull it close to me. Immediately I could tell something was off. The bag was way lighter than before.

What the hell?

I opened the bag and looked inside, and to my surprise, nothing was in there besides some rags and clothes. I grab the other bag and open it. Same thing.

"They took the food when we first got here. Food is limited thanks to the amount of people they started saving."

Who's they? I shook my head and threw the bag to the side.

"They took our food, Mira! We found that fair and square!"

"We stole the food"

"From people who already had way more than we did."

"You stole the gem too.."

The gem. I quickly pat myself down, sighing in relief when I felt the gem in my pocket. I relaxed a bit and leaned back down.

"The gem was the same as the food. They have many of those." I finished with a small smile. Mira didn't seem impressed with me, and in response rolled her eyes.

"Regardless, it wasn't yours." Mira said quietly. I didn't respond. There was no point. Mira was going to stick by how she felt and there was nothing I could say to comfort her mind in any way. She won't take anything short of me returning the gem.

Afia came back into the room, and he must have sensed the awkwardness and tension in the room because he paused, looking at the two of us quietly.

In his hand carried three small bags of food and a jar of water.

"We have to ration our food for now. There are a lot of people in the village. Many children." Afia told us, handing out the bags of food.

I took the bag and opened it, looking inside. Inside was a pack of crackers, a cut of steak and some bread with a container of rice.

For a ration, this was a lot, and very good food. I guess I understood why we had to limit food. It was the end of the world after all. We needed all the help we could get.

But why? I still didn't understand.

"What happened to going to the Laboratory?" I asked, looking over at Afia. He shrugged and leaned back, eating his food.

"I'm sure it is overfilled by now. And it's much smaller than the one we are at now." Afia responded. He was basically settling for less.

I didn't want to stay here. Sure it was nice, but we had to share our food. The food we found. That we grabbed ourselves.

But for now I guess staying here won't be the end of the world. For now.

I soon finished eating my food. It tasted amazingly. It was perfectly cooked and they were quite generous with the rations.

Mira was slower when it came to eating. She poured some water into a small cup and sat down on a cot, drinking peacefully.

I leaned over and grabbed a cup, pouring water into it as well and took a sip. The water was surprisingly refreshing.

I bawled up the bag and put it on the desk. Finally standing up again. I took a deep breath and allowed the pain to subside after a few minutes.

Taking another deep breath, I looked down, examining my leg. I cringed at how banged up it looked. My pant leg got ripped off and there were teeth marks in my leg.

My leg was decorated with fresh bruises and dried blood. I just stared at it. I couldn't take my eyes off of the disgusting view before me.

How did I not die?

That woman got ripped apart. I watched it. These things are more than capable to kill me. So how did I survive when the woman didn't? Why?

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