A Taste of Resentment

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The last few days have been torture. I've seen Ezra everywhere I went. It was like he was following me or something. I couldn't handle it.

His face burned in the back of my mind and I found myself thinking of him and him only. As the days progressed, he was all I ever thought about.

Today was no different. Except I was able to distract myself by farming, something I deeply loved doing.

It calmed me and brought me back to the days Mira and I messed around, picking some crops and talking amongst each other.

I pulled some carrots out of the soil and tossed them into a small sack, humming softly to myself. Everything felt normal again.

Mira ended up joining me. The two of us spent our entire day there. I heard myself sigh and lean against Mira.

"I don't get it. He was such a dick when he left us behind.. Why is he suddenly acting like he's my best friend?" I ask. Mira didn't stop collecting some corn, shrugging as she gave me a soft smile.

"I dunno, Desmond. He's unreadable. I don't know." I frowned more at her unknowing, but knew that answer was inevitable, but I couldn't help but be disappointed by the lack of an explanation. But all I could do was accept it and move on.

After we were finished collecting crops, we made our way back to the village to drop them off. The entire time I was talking about Ezra and how much I hated him.

"He isn't even CUTE, Mira! He's such a jerk. He's putting on an act I know. I caught him trying to steal our food and everything. I just KNOW he's here for something evil." Mira listened to me rambling without saying a word.

She never spoke much, especially when I was talking. And most of the time I never bothered to take notice. But today, I wanted nothing more than for her to give me her feedback, for her to tell me what she thought.

But for now I just continued to rant about anything that came to mind.

"I don't even know why I'm thinking about him so much!" I found myself saying. Mira shot me a small smirk and tilted her head to the side.

"What do you think about me?" I heard a voice ask from behind. I took a deep breath and froze. Mira looked behind her and waved at the male.

I didn't want to look, but also didn't want to look like a major pussy so I sucked it up and turned around. Ezra stood there with a smug smirk on his face.

I shot him a mean glare and crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow at him.

"No. I don't." I snapped. He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms as well, copying me I'm sure. I scowled and narrowed my eyes at him to which he just gave me a sweet smile in return.

"What you said just a second ago says otherwise." He states matter-of-factly. I felt my body tense up even more and sucked my teeth.

"I don't think of you." I repeated between clenched teeth. He didn't look convinced in the slightest but shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets.

"If you say so." He muttered, pulling one of his hands out his pocket to run a hand through his hair. He looked way different than a few months ago.

He ditched his royal attire and wore a regular "common folk" outfit. I could only imagine how big of a fit this royal brat threw when he had to replace those clothes.

His hair wasn't slicked back like it was usually. He let his natural locks fall freely, puffing out a bit. It fit him, to be honest.

While I didn't like him, it didn't take a genius to see he wasn't an ugly guy. He was quite pleasant to look at, even if he was insufferable.

I was going to say something else to him, But Mira beat me to it. "Hey, we are gonna go get a bite to eat. Wanna tag along?" I shot her a look. Why did she offer him to eat with us?

Because she's Mira, I answered myself. Because she's sweet and a people person. I loved that about her. But today I didn't. Of all people she could have been nice to, she was nice to Ezra fucking Barlow.

He gave her a soft smile and shrugged. "Yeah, sounds nice. Thanks Mira." He spoke in such a soft, calm voice that it made my heart flutter a bit. I cleared my throat and put my hands on my hips, shifting all my weight onto one leg.

"Uhm, Excuse me? I didn't agree to any of this." I retorted, frowning at Mira. She smiled innocently back at me and blew me a kiss.

"You didn't have to," She replied simply, pulling her hair back and tying it in a bun with a satin ribbon. I groaned and flipped her off in a joking manner.

"Love you too, Des Des." She grins and looks back at Ezra, who was watching us quietly. "C'mon. They are serving mashed potatoes and corn today~" And with that, the two rushed off towards the Cafeteria. I frowned and jogged over, following them.

"Wait up–" I shouted, catching up to them quickly before switching into a quick walking pace. The two barely seemed to acknowledge me, talking amongst each other.

I cleared my throat and shot them both a glare, to which Mira looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

"You guys are completely ignoring me!" I sulked. Mira and Ezra stopped walking, both eyes now completely on me. I didn't expect that so I blushed at the sudden attention.

"Okay– what's up? All eyes on you now." Ezra states with a slight smile, putting his hands on his waist. I shot him a glare but couldn't help but smile. His niceness had a hold on me. And I hated it.

I hated how much I still cared about him, even after all he's done. I hated how much I loved his smile and seeing him. And I hated how much I felt like I loved HIM. I felt like my brain and my heart were at war for what they wanted.

I realised they were waiting on me to say something. To be honest, I had nothing to say. But seeing Ezra's eyes on me made me feel better. But I knew better than to feel comfort as I looked away.

"Let's just get something to eat." I mutter, shoving my hands into my pockets, rushing towards the cafeteria. I didn't hear their footsteps behind me but took this as an opportunity to clear my head.

I made it to the cafeteria and grabbed my share, walking to a nearby tree and sitting down, resting my head on its stump.

I picked up the fork and started eating the corn. It was sweet, filling my tastebuds with happiness. I smiled softly and leaned more, allowing the comfort to wash over me.

I didn't love him, so why was I acting like I did? It felt so bitter-sweet. I didn't like him for his actions... But he was still cute. You know?

I don't know what it was about him that kept me drawn in, but I forced the thoughts out of my head. They weren't welcomed and never will be.

"You don't love him, Desmond. You're just delusional." I whisper to myself. And that's all I needed. From here on out, I would lose any feelings I thought I had of him.

But then, I saw him and Mira walk into the cafeteria. He gave me a small smile and I felt my heart skip a beat. Why did I feel so nervous every time he smiled at me?

Screw you, Ezra. Mark my words... I'll get over my feelings for you before you even get the chance to redeem yourself.

And that was the start of a new rivalry in my head. Me. Vs him.

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