Echoes of Injustice

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Usually, when you hear the news that the world is ending, you'd think the first thing people would want to do is make sure their family is safe or even try to be with their family.

Well, that wasn't the case here in London. Because here I was. In the Great Hall with the royal family and nobles who were only worried about themselves.

Mira and I were 'street rats' who didn't belong to anybody. We had no family or a nice home or many friends. It was just the two of us who had stuck together since early in our childhood.

"I'm sure it's nothing." A woman dressed in a red gown spoke up, crossing her arms as her red-stained lips curled into a frown. Her rosy cheeks radiated her irritation. "I bet it's just some street rat trying to get food from an innocent family again. No need to crowd around in a room like we are little kids hiding from the boogie man."

A few people nodded in agreement to her. But the bell boy just seemed more frightened as he shook his head.

"Madam... you don't understand... there are THINGS out there yes there are. Things I can't even begin to describe. They don't seem human, Madam... blood will spill from your body the moment you try to leave this castle I know it!" The bellboy was going on and on like a madman. His eyes were widened with fear and his voice shaky and raspy.

"Alright, let's head south till the situation cools down. Even if it's just some street rat stealing, we need to be cautious," the king said, looking outside at the smoke. Hearing the words "street rat" made me clench my fists in anger, but I knew better than to say anything. I had no choice but to listen and seethe with resentment.

Ezra looked at his dad with an unsure expression and asked, "What if the street rats get into the castle and steal our food?" I shot a glare at Ezra who didn't seem to notice my expression as he continued to look at his parents.

"That could happen... But worry not. Most of our food is in the storage unit. We can get it on our way out. Our panic space is not far away from here, and there are many more guards stationed there than here," replied Queen Rosemary, the mother of the speaker. Hearing them say that they preferred to bring their food with them rather than share it with the hungry filled me with anger, but I held my tongue and turned to look at Mira. She appeared equally frustrated and disgusted by their words, just as I was.

The more I thought about it I gradually realised that the nobles and the royal family showed little concern for the well-being of their subjects. It seemed that we existed solely to be subservient to them and be subject to any punishment they deemed necessary whenever they were displeased. It was as if they viewed us as mere pawns in their game of power.

"Alright, so there's only one more issue left to address," the king said, directing his gaze toward Mira and me. He scrutinised us as if evaluating our worth. His eyes studied us in silence as he searched his mind for a solution.

As he uttered the words "We cannot bring these two", I couldn't believe my ears. The thought of leaving two kids behind during a disastrous event was beyond me. Although I had turned 18 over the summer, it didn't make a difference. The fact that he was willing to leave us behind was a hard pill to swallow.

Mira seemed just as taken aback as I was. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. I felt my fingers curl up into a fist as I thought about the King's decision.

"With all due respect, Your Highness... you can't just leave us behind. We are trapped in the same building as the rest of you! Surely you have some room for the two of us." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. For the first time, I felt extremely uneasy. For the first time, I requested something from the elites of London.

"You two hold no special title. No family or value." The Queen replied simply. She crossed her arms and stared at us as if we were dead rats in front of her very eyes.

"Mira and I bust our asses cooking for you lot every year! Mira makes you guys clothes all the time!" I counter angrily, my body tensing up as the night continues. They were treating us as if we were a bunch of stray dogs with rabies. No care in the world for us.

"And we appreciate it greatly. Like I said. If there are these supposed monsters out in the village, we need people who won't be missed to keep them distracted while people like us who do have a future, escape." Replied the King in a snotty tone. I stared at them in utter disbelief. There was no way they were being serious. No way they viewed us so cruelly.

"We are kids!" I shouted, feeling tears fighting to break free as I stared at everyone before us. Mira was close to breaking down as I felt her heart shatter at the King's harsh words.

"You are pests with no value coming with us!" One of the nobles replied, pushing back his curly brown hair as he gave a look of pure hatred.

The prince was listening quietly. He didn't speak up. Didn't offer to help. Of course, he didn't. He was going to let his pettiness take over and as a result, we will die. Of course, he will.

"Your majesty... If there IS something out there that puts our life at risk, will it not be easier for us to come with?" Mira chimed in quietly. Her Amber-red eyes had tears falling out and running down her rosy cheek as she stared at the floor. Her foot tapped on the floor quickly

"If anything, it will only weigh us down in our journey." The king's brow shot up as his distant expression burned into the two of us. I glanced over at my friend who, very similar to me, was about to lose it.

"So what? You're just going to leave us here?" Mira's voice was quiet and laced with hurt as she continued to stare at the people she thought were here to protect her. To protect us. But here they were. About to leave us behind.

"We have no other choice. I'm sure you'll understand. Sebastian, please get the wagon ready. We will be there shortly." He turned to one of the guardsmen before looking back at me and Mira. "May god be with you both." And with that, he nodded to his family and group of nobles and walked out of the great hall.

The last person to leave was Ezra. He gave me a long gaze. A long, undecided, confused gaze. I stared back at him, hoping he would say something. Anything to help us. But he wouldn't. Of course, he wouldn't.

"I'm sorry for this. May god be with—" He started, but I shook my head and put my hand up, shaking it to signal him to stop talking.

"Don't. Do not give Mira and me that fake sympathy. Hiding behind the 'word of god' will not and will never excuse you for the actions you are deciding to take now." I shot a glare at him, cutting him off before he could even think of giving us that 'god will be with us' bullshit.

Ezra seemed taken aback but didn't reply. Instead, he nodded and fixed his coat, before leaving the room, he muttered "I'm sorry..." before disappearing down the hall.

Once there was no one in the room but Mira and I, I rushed to the window to examine the state of the outside. The smoke was getting worse as it continued to rise, screaming was muffled by the thick glass that separated us from the outside. It truly looked like the end of London.

"Well, at least we have shelter for right now..." I muttered, glancing at Mira who was staring blankly out the window. Her nails dug into her palm and her body was tenser than ever.

"Mira?" I turned to face her completely before taking a few steps towards her. Her eyes moved to look at me but still, she said nothing. I took that as a sign to back off. At least for now.

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