Reluctant Exodus

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"We can't just leave– Oreiko is here!" I shouted, following Afia back to the cabin. He sighed, trying his best to ignore me as he began packing his spare clothes in a bag.

"Rune needs our help to pack the food and get the kids ready. Which one do you want to do?" He asked, looking over at me. I shook my head as I desperately tried to get him to understand.

"Neither! We can't leave! How will I spend my nights with Oreiko if we aren't near her grave?" I asked. Afia took a deep breath, turning to face me.

"Look, Desmond. I know how badly you hate that she is gone. And I know how difficult this all is, but we are moving for the safety of everyone living here now. If we stay here, more people will die." He explained. I felt my heart racing again and that lump appeared in my throat.

I didn't want to leave. Not when Oreiko was here. There had to be another way. I rushed out the cabin, running to Rune and Mira's.

Mira looked at me, sighing as she went back to packing. I grabbed her arm but she just yanked it away.

"I already know what you are going to say. And you can't change our mind. There have been too many threats. People are dropping like flies left and right. We have to go.." Mira whispered, closing her bag as she picked it up.

"I suggest getting some rest, Desmond. We leave as soon as the sun rises tomorrow." Rune chimes in, cleaning out the bathroom with a sigh. "This is hard for all of us. Remember that." Rune crossed their arms, looking at me with a saddened expression.

Bullshit. I shook my head, running a hand through my hair. "We can't just leave! Oreiko is here!" I can't believe I was the only one who was worried about leaving her behind?

I didn't wait for an answer. I left the cabin. I could feel eyes on me and I couldn't take it. I pinched the bridge of my nose as I made my way back to my own cabin. I would find a way to change Runes' mind in the morning. But for now, I wanted to sleep.

I opened the door, my eyes settling on Ezra. He didn't acknowledge me. But that was fine. He didn't understand how I felt earlier, he wouldn't understand how I was feeling now. If Mira didn't, then no one would. And that was something I had to accept.

I lay down on my cot, staring up at the ceiling. Tomorrow we will leave. And whether or not I could convince Rune to leave was a mystery. Seems like there were a lot of mysteries these past few days.

I closed my eyes, letting my mind drift off. Memories of my childhood came rushing in. I dreamt about my time in the orphanage... the day Mira was supposed to get adopted.

"Do you have to go?" I asked, looking at Mira with teary eyes. She sighed, a small smile on her face.

"I'm not sure... I'm meeting with my possibly new parents in a few hours! I really hope they will take me... and maybe I can convince them to take you with me!" She sighed again, but this was a happy sigh. She leaned back, thinking of how different both of our lives would be if she got adopted.

I felt my eyes burning and a lump form in my throat. My heart beat rapidly as I closed my eyes, calming myself down. I had to fix this. She can't go. She and I need to stay together... Forever.

Later that day, I met with those parents. I sat up, giving them a soft smile. The woman looked at me, confused on why I was there instead of Mira.

"Hey! I'm Desmond... A friend of Mira's!" I introduced myself. In my mind, I already knew what I wanted to say. I knew how to convince them not to take her.

The man smiled softly, looking at me before looking at his wife. "Nice to meet you young man. What is it you need?" He asked, leaning back a bit. He adjusted his coat, folding his fingers in each other.

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