Navigating the Unknown

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We walked silently the next day. The sun was completely covered by smog and whatnot. But this time it was not from smoke-operated engines, but rather the end of the world.

"This is it," Afia said with a small smile. The exit to the maze. The start of our journey. And the start of the hunt. I'm assuming now that the trip will NOT be easy. I took a deep breath and glanced at Mira, who had a look of determination on her face.

I wasn't sure if she was just trying to put up a strong front or whatnot, because I knew for a fact that I was beyond nervous. But that was the thing about Mira. She was always so brave. And I admired that.

"Alrighty. Ready to go?" Afia asked, turning to face the both of us. I hesitate for a moment before reluctantly nodding. Mira nods as well, her eyes sparkling with excitement for this new adventure. How? We could die on this adventure. Did she not know?

Our first few steps out in what seemed like a new world was unreal. Smoke filled my lungs and it was hard to see. Leafs crunched under my feet as we walked. I held the bag filled with various clothes, blankets, and food.

"How far is this Laboratory?" I ask with a small frown. As the earth burned to the ground, I couldn't help but wonder what our game plan was. So far, we were following some kid around while monsters roamed the ground we walked on.

Somewhere off in the distance, I could hear something blow up. I sigh, shaking my head. Wondering, what did the world come to? Why was this happening? When I was a child, I was told of monsters and such. But those were just stories. And now all of a sudden they were real?

Afia shrugged, his eyes scanning our surroundings as we walked. "Up north" He replied quietly, his hands fidgeting with his clothes. "Shouldn't take too long as long as we don't run into anything."

"What exactly would we run into?" Mira countered quietly. I nod at her question. I know the bellboy said something about monsters but realistically, we all know that monsters don't exist.

Afia didn't answer the question. Whatever. Fine by me. We continued to walk in silence. The leaves crunching under our feet as we walk.

Mira, however, didn't seem to appreciate the quiet as much as I did. She cleared her throat and repeated the question.

But just like before, he didn't answer. Instead, he changed the topic, discussing how cold it was outside.

"Exactly why I'm glad we brought blankets" Mira chimed in with a small smile. Afia smiled in response and nodded.

"Exactly" He repeated quietly, putting his hands in his pockets. Okay, tell me why he wasn't carrying literally anything?

Here Mira and I were, carrying his shit plus our own things and he was playing travel guide.

It was silent the rest of the walk. Just the way I like it. Silent. Well, it wasn't completely silent given the screams and explosions. But Afia wasn't talking and that's a huge plus.

"HELP ME" A scream stopped all of us in our tracks, distributing our silence. My head turned to the direction of the screams and saw a woman.

Her hair was messed up and her eyes were widened so much that I was almost fully convinced she had no eyelids.

But what was even more noticeable was the thing grabbing onto her leg.

It was tall and ragged and bloody. It's teeth sunk into the woman's leg, refusing to let go.

Mira covered her mouth to avoid letting out a shriek as Afia quickly dragged us behind a barrel.

"Stay low. Don't speak." He whispered, ducking down as he peered out at the woman.

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