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Reuploader here. Auden republished the original "Area Codes // dreamwastaken" fic on May 20th! So, I do have the remaining chapters now saved to my laptop (as well as archived on for preservation. Couldn't archive the live site to the Wayback Machine since Wattpad has specifically requested that the contents of the site be excluded from it). So, I'll have the rest of the chapters added to the reupload in the coming weeks (or days. Depends on how busy I am during the work day).

I do have a few announcements though. I will be reaching out to ihaveajuicebox to ask if she will leave the original story up (I have a semi-open line of communication with her). Depending on her response, I might unpublish the reupload so as not to confuse people or get a copyright strike thrown my way by Wattpad.

Second, I will, regardless of Auden leaving the og up or not, be archiving this fic to several places. The remainder of the original websites (the web version, not the mobile version) will be archived on to preserve that version as much as possible. I will compile all 70 chapters to be saved in several places in multiple file formats. They will go in the following locations (some of which I know are unorthodox):

Archive of Our Own (AO3/ More details on this to come, I've got to make an alt account so it'll be a minute. It will be separated into different chapters for easy reading and tagged according to AO3 standards. 

Wayback Machine ( Once there is a version on AO3 to be saved, I will be archiving all of it on Wayback. And by all of it, I do mean EVERYTHING. Chapter by Chapter, Entire Work, and all of the download options as well. If, for some god forsaken reason, you want to be able to read Area Codes on a Kindle, you will be able to because of the .AZW3 download link. ... I'm also gonna archive the YouTube videos of the audio readings that helped me put the original reuploaded chapters here because I would not have been able to do anything after Chapter 20 if some 12 year old hadn't decided to read up to Chapter 49 aloud.

Internet Archive ( I will be putting a compiled PDF file there. Also, there will go a collection of the individual saved .html files of saved webpages that I have downloaded to my laptop.

GitHub ( Yes, you did read that correctly. If you don't know what GitHub is, it's an absolutely enormous repository of different programs and apps created and used by software developers of different experience levels. I use it for academic reasons so that I can collaborate with others when writing code (*cough*when they're helping me debug because I don't understand what they hell I wrote at 3 am*cough*). I find it immensely useful for filesharing and directing to outside websites. So, every version (plus the individual links to the original and the reupload) that I save to other locations will be either saved here as well or linked to in the repo description/README. THIS WILL BE THE LINK THAT GOES IN THE BIO AND CONVERSATION POSTS OF THIS ACCOUNT. The GitHub repo description/README will then have redirects to everything else.

As you can see, I am not letting this story disappear again. I spent to much time finding, copy and pasting, and reuploading the contents of the first 52 chapters to let that happen. Archiving to all these different locations will take time, so I will keep y'all updated as I make progress over the summer. Once I start uploading versions of this fic to different locations, I'll add the link to the GitHub repo in my bio and make an announcement.

You all love this fic as much as I do and I want to put the full story back up (and keep it available no matter what happens to Wattpad's content policies). I'm only one person and I only have so much free time (I work an 8 to 5 job building dealing with data analytics Monday through Friday that requires me to get up by 4:45 am at the latest. And then I go back to college in August for my junior year). So, please be patient with me like you have for the past few months!

(Side note: if anyone has a version of Chapter 71, the Double Digits announcement, please reach out because I would like to include that if I do manage to get ahold of more than just Ch. 36 of DD).

Area-Codes Reuploader

Area Codes // dreamwastaken - ReuploadedWhere stories live. Discover now