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Adrianna's POV

As she pondered her options, the aliens abruptly ceased their activities and retreated back into their spaceship. Adrianna held her breath, waiting anxiously to see if they would depart or return once more. Minutes stretched into an eternity before the spaceship finally lifted off, disappearing into their space ship. "I think their leaving".

Relief flooded through Adrianna, but she knew she couldn't linger. She needed to find her spaceship, repair Astra, and navigate this unfamiliar terrain to safety. With renewed determination, she set off across the colossal leaf, her eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of her missing companions.
But for her bad luck the came back with a bigger device to scan the tree they pointed it towards the tree.

What if these creatures find me.

(The robots scanned the tree and seem to have had spotted her)

I think they found me, I can see their metallic face pointed towards my direction now what do I do they spotted me?

Should I run or should I surrender aahh!! why all bad things are happening to me. Shit!! they are coming to get me I think I should surrender instead of hiding because there no other option left for me now.

As they approach in my direction I come out my hiding spot and surrender to them they look at me and scanned me with the scanner like device on their head.

What are these metallic creatures um not creatures they look like robots, what are they going to do with me now, they look at each other and again start speaking in that language I heard earlier from those Robot like creatures before who took my Astra with them.

Then something very bizarre happened some kind of chains which came from their hands, locked around my hands for a second it looked just like metal but no they were a whole different thing no it's not a thing it was some kind of light, neon blue light which captured my hands but surprisingly it didn't burn my skin.

Then they pushed me ahead gesturing me to get in the space ship I had no other option other than listening to them I moved forward reluctantly.

As I reached inside the space ship I was flabbergasted seeing device that I never seen before the infrastructure of this space ship is so different as compared to my space ship this feels so foreign. There was a panel which displayed their solar system and the atmosphere of their planet.

The robots started the ship and it lifted up in the air and Ahh! What is this it felt like a jerk and now where am I huh? Just a minute ago I was near the tree and now it's a completely different place. I think this is the main city, the capital of this planet.

As its infrastructure would lure any scientist ; this is something every scientist has ever desired to find in space. This planet is diamond of my achievement only if I got out of it safely. I didn't found my space ship still its not catching any signals.

The space ship door opened and the robots gestured me to go down so I obeyed them and went down.

As i reached down the air felt so fresh unlike the air on earth the sun here was cool since it is a ultra cool dwarf star but surprisingly the temperature is just perfect, warm and moist I saw so many trees and special kind of algae covering the walls in a very beautiful way and I also saw a number sky high buildings.

I also saw a number of robots just like these two robots some of them had some kind of gun which had the same neon blue light on the charging chamber. The looked like soldiers which were guarding the area.

There were human like creatures also the male and female they were very tall the males here were muscular and bluish purplish and the females looked quite strong. I see many of the have robots which help them about in their day to day life.

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