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Hasper entered behind him to men also walked in, "Hasper?" Adrianna whispered, her voice barely audible to anyone nearby. "What are you doing here?" she asked, still bowing.

"To meet you, my love. I've missed you," he replied, his tone laced with flirtation.

"What!" Adrianna tried to raise her head. "Remove your hand, Selenar," she exclaimed.

Selenar looked at her with a hint of guilt and immediately withdrew his hand from her back, the same hand he had placed there to compel her to bow before Hasper. Adrianna straightened up, her expression a mix of surprise and irritation.

Hasper smiled, his gaze fixed on Adrianna.

Adrianna's eyes narrowed slightly. "What are you doing here, Hasper? You shouldn't have come."

Hasper's smile widened. "I couldn't resist the chance to see you again, my darling."

"I forgot to mention earlier you look particularly stunning in your uniform," Hasper added, unabashed.

Adrianna's expression turned incredulous. "Wait, are you out of your mind?" She looked at him and blinked twice. "Didn't we just meet this morning at breakfast? And you came all the way here just to tell me I look beautiful? Have you lost it?"

Adrianna's disbelief deepened. "Is that all?" she asked, her tone tinged with irritation.

"I couldn't resist the chance to see you again, my darling. Is there a problem with that?" Hasper asked, unfazed by her reaction.

Adrianna hesitated, unsure how to respond. Selenar, standing nearby, shifted uncomfortably, sensing the tension between them.

"Let's talk later," Adrianna finally said, her eyes darting between Hasper and Selenar. "Not here."

Hasper's smile turned slightly mischievous. "Of course, my dear. But I am here for a more important matter, you see."

Adrianna frowned, her curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?"

Suddenly, Hasper raised his voice to address the room. "Everyone, please rise," he commanded, his tone authoritative.

As the gathered individuals stood up, their gazes fixed on the ground, Hasper continued. "I've brought professional coaches to enhance your training for the upcoming fights. I wish to see each of you armed and ready in soldier's gear." He gestured towards a man who stepped forward confidently.

"This is Adrian," Hasper introduced. "He's a high-ranking officer in my army."

Adrian, a stout man in his mid-40s, radiates a friendly demeanor as he greets the assembled group. With a solid, stocky build, he projects a robust physical presence. His face is characterized by a warm and welcoming expression, adorned with laugh lines around his eyes and mouth a testament to his history of smiling and good humor. Adrian's eyes, dark and mysterious like Adrianna's, add an intriguing depth to his overall appearance, complementing his approachable aura.
"Hello, everyone," he greeted warmly.

Adrianna observed the scene, intrigued by Hasper's sudden shift in focus. The room buzzed with anticipation as Adrian began outlining the training regimen.

Just as Adrianna's attention was fully captured by the proceedings, she noticed Adrian's face more clearly. Her shock was palpable. "Grandpa?" she whispered to herself, her heart racing.

Adrian's gaze swept over the assembled group until it settled on Adrianna. Recognition flickered in his eyes as he struggled to recall where he had seen her before.

Adrianna felt a mix of emotions flood over her confusion, disbelief, and a glimmer of hope. That her Grandfather was a part of Hasper's army?

Adrianna trail of thoughts were interrupted when Hasper introduced the second man, this is Arlo. Arlo, the half-breed introduced by Hasper, presents a unique and intriguing presence. His appearance is likely a blend of human and alien characteristics, giving him a distinctly otherworldly vibe while still retaining relatable human features.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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