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Adrianna's POV

"Glorie can I speak with you for a minute?? " She nodded. We both excused us from my two Sherlock Holmes comrades and walked out of room closing the door.

"Did Hasper send you here? " I asked.
"Yeah!! Leader sent me here" Glorie said.

"Ok then... But it's till dawn... It's not that late we are pretty ahead of time... Don't you think you should be coming in 2 hours?? " I said.

"No I don't think..." She huffed and further said, "Miss, you are living in the Prince's Chamber... And today is orien so probably all royalties will be roaming in Court Palace after... " She looked at a glass screen on her hand. "In next fifteen minutes... And if anyone sees you then....

"Okay okay... " I said. "Where do we have to go then? " I asked. "At the place where I will lead... " She said. Wow change in demeanor... just a minute ago she was different... Does she have split personality disorder?

"Ahh... Yes... But ...please will you not tell them that you were send by him! " I requested.
"Okay... As you say!! " She accepted and smiled. I turned around to open the door. As I opened down both Bloom and Scarlett fell down on floor who were leaning on door. I think they were eavesdropping us.
"Ouch!! " Scarlett whinned.
"Oh.... My.. hand" Bloom whinned.

"Are you okay?? " I exclaimed. "What were you two doing? " I asked as I pretended to be unknown to fact that they were tried to eavesdrop us. But hopefully these doors look soundproof doors Thanks to Hasper.

"Scarlett you are so heavy... Loose some weight... " Bloom said while pushing Scarlett for over her.
"Not my fault you fell!! " Scarlett said while getting up from floor.

"Stop blaming me!! " Bloom shouted. "Shhh!! " Glorie sushed. "You are making too much noises... They will hear us!! " I said.

"Ahh!! I think I sprained my ankle. Oh!! " Bloom said while getting up. "Can you stand properly? " Scarlett asked holding her hand.

"Yeah!! " Bloom said. "Okay we should leave or we will be late!! " I said while scanning the glass clock with weird numbers.

" Yes!! "Bloom replied while rubbing her ankle.

We walked out of room closing it as we walked out. I scanned door again. The glass plate beside the door showed. ' Locked '. I touched door again and this time a spark of current ignited telling me to leave the door. Wow!! Pretty advanced people.

Some weird letters appeared on the glass plate and it said "Waiting for eye scan" in Trappistian language.

Helion's Room

"Fuck!! this Hasper is getting on my nevers what is he planning to do and why was he smirking wasn't he scared of mother or the investigation......, he surely has something up his sleeves. I need to dig up." Helion mumbled to himself.

"This Hasper wasn't enough now I have to look for this Adrian, I couldn't find him!!....where is this rat hiding I have to find him or else he'll spill everything tomorrow infront of mother." He walked near his secret room. His eyes were scanned and door opened.

The interior was outstanding. Some advanced spy room. Probably it was because all there was 1000s of screen settled in, one beside other. It covered all the location of most important areas of the kingdom.
He watched some slides. But he got pissed off as he couldn't find Adrian.

"Where is he?? But wait thinking of Adrian where is my dear little human Adrianna? " He searched for particular screen. It was room where Adrianna and her friends were staying on 1f.

"She is not here also her two tails are missing! " He scanned other screen. "Not in Serving area! Is she in Arena again... But it's dawn! "He exclaimed to himself.

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