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Author's POV

"You remember our plan you'll announce in the orien? " Tae asked, "yes i clearly remember everything." Even if there was clear signal for Hasper to include her in his team. There was something which caused a turmoil in him.

"Helion wouldn't have expected this coming his way, The look on his face will be worth our efforts." Shen said. Tae said while imagining the whole senerio," it will be hilarious."

"Isn't it Hasper..?" "I don't know... But my future it seems vague right now... I can't see where this is going! "While massaging his temples, Hasper said thinking for awhile. Shrugging all the thoughts he sighed..and asked.

"Where is Adrian, Shen? "

Suddenly a loud thud sound echoed, it resonated in the room, we looked in the direction of the sound, it was Adrian he came in running. Why was he running, it seemed as if someone was chasing him. He reached near us. He was hyper ventilating to catch his breathe. He fell on his knees as his legs trembled dur to the constant run.

"Adrian... what happened, Adrian tell us..? " Shen asked looking at his state.

"Nebulox.... Helion... kill..ed.. Astri..dion.. also...is..." Adrian gasped air, while trying to convey what had happened.

"Hey stop, first breathe, take deep breaths." Adrian normalized his breathing.

"Helion killed Nebulox.. he also tried to kill Astridion, he told Esra Astridion's own brother to kill him.." He said in one breath, the teror of the scene could be visible in his trembling voice.

"What!!! Helion killed Nebulox.. Is Astridion alive did Esra really kill him?" Hasper asked clearly horrifed with the information that just reached his ears..

"Tell us everything, Adrian."Shen said.

"No, what happened is queen gave some order to give it to Helion, as I went near his office, I heard weird noise, I peaked inside the room, I saw Helion was torturing Nebulox.. He turned him into ice and killed him. Then he turned towards Astridion and slamed his head in the fountain, when Esra tried to stop him, he forced Esra to kill Astridion.."

"He is soo cruel, how could he do that we need to report his actions to the Queen."
Shen said in a vexed tone.

"No wait, we'll do that later, where Astridion right now?" Hasper asked perturbely.

"He's in the emergency ward of the Hospital. " Adrian said still horrified by the fact that he witnessed awhile ago.

"Let's go there come Shen, Tae let's go." They left immediately.

"Yes let's go fast, my poor boy what must have that beast done to him." Shen said.

"He is like that, leave him we can't do anything to him, "Tae said. "That's true" Adrian said.
They reached the Hospital..

Hasper pov,

"Where is Astridion? "I asked..

"Oh..oh Leader Hasper," the nurse bowed, "there's no time for this tell me where is Astridion.." I said in a impatient tone.

"The new patient he is in room number 302. Ok thank you."

"He's in room 302 let's go there.." I said.

"Astridion...?"we saw Esra on the chair sobbing while Astridion was laying unconscious on the bed. We walked near Esra he looked at us and started balling his eyes out.

"Hey Esra it's ok stop crying he'll be fine nothing will happen to him, see hasper is also come. "Adrian said in a comforting tone.

"Adrian thank you soo much I swear if you came at right time...if you haven't interrupted I would have killed...killed..."Esra said while tearing were still pooling around his eyes.

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