Chapter 31

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Let the game begin.

He carried me into my office and made me sit on the couch. He took the roses from my hand and kept them on the coffee table in front of me. Before I could stop him, he hunched down and removed my sandals. He took my bare foot in his hand and started inspecting it. 

"It's so swollen," he said while looking at me. 

"I can't believe you are walking around in this condition," he said while moving his head in disbelief. 

"It's nothing, Noah. I will put an ice pack on it, and it will be better. You don't have to worry about it. So let's get back to work," I said, trying to brush it off again. I don't want my swollen ankle to delay our work. He has already cancelled his shoot, and I don't want him to do it again. It's not good for our industry if promises and comments are not fulfilled on time. 

"Nope, I'm not going to listen to you. We are going to treat your swollen ankle first," he said stubbornly, not taking my no as an answer. He called his assistant and asked him to bring ice and some needed items to bandage my ankle. He sat on the couch with my leg on his lap. 

"I'm very good with twisted ankles," he said with a smirk, making me look at him with wide eyes. He gripped my ankle and toe with both hands. I felt pain when he did that. It scared me. 

"No, no, I will ice it; don't do anything," I said in a little panic, trying to stop him. He massaged my ankle, putting pressure on the right spot. He wanted me to relax, but I couldn't. I never will be. My heart was still beating fast. 

"Trust me," he said with a smirk on his lips, and before I could stop him, he twisted my ankle. 

"Ahha" A yelp left my mouth before I could stop myself from screaming. That scream came out of my mouth in a reflex when I heard a crack and felt a sharp pain at the twist. The door of my office was barged open, and there stood a heavy-breathing bull. 

"What happened here?" He demanded an answer from me. His cold blue eyes moved from me to him, and then they narrowed on my foot, which was resting on his lap. He was still holding my ankle. I was not surprised to see him standing at the door, but I didn't expect him to barge in like this. Aria and Evelyn came shortly too. 

"What's wrong?" Aria asked, looking at me. 

"Why did you scream?" Evelyn asked, walking forward. He was covering the whole door frame with his huge body. 

"I felt a sharp pain when Noah twisted my ankle and waited a minute," I said with surprise because I didn't feel any pain when I moved my ankle. I stood up to feel how it felt. There was still a slight discomfort, but not as bad as before. 

"Oh my god! Pain is gone," I said while covering my mouth in disbelief. I looked at my friends, and they were surprised to see me standing without twisting my mouth. I turned to look at my healer. He smiles with a familiar look in his eyes. 

"I told you I'm good with twisted ankles," he said with a proud look in his eyes. He was flexing his skills. I moved forward and wrapped my arms around him. 

"Thank you," I said in the joy of getting my ankle treated. He rubbed my back, and at that moment I felt a fire burning in my gaze, making holes in my back. 

"I will not accept this, thank you. You won't get off the hook this easily," he said in his husky voice, making me break the hug. I raise my eyebrows at him, asking him indirectly what he wants. 

"If you want to thank me, come for dinner with me tonight," he said with a grin on his lips. Dinner. I gave it some thought. I was going to visit the doctor after work today, but now that my ankle is fixed, I don't have anything else on my list. 

"Common, at least I deserve dinner," he said with a pout when I was taking too long to give him an answer. I chuckled and then nodded my head. 

"Ok," I said with a grin, and as soon as I said that, I felt a sharp knife like a gaze trying to split me in half. 

"Done, then I'm taking you for dinner after work," he said, sounding pleased. My eyes fell on the wall clock in my office. 

"I think we should get back to work now," I suggested, because we had already wasted lots of time. I looked at my friends, but instead, my eyes moved behind them. He was glaring at me in fury. His jaw was set, and his blue eyes looked colder than ever. I wanted to look away, but I found it hard to do so. A big lump formed at the base of my throat. 

"We will get back to work, but before I need to wrap this badge, you won't feel the discomfort," I heard Noah saying, and it somehow made me look away and break eye contact. I barely gave him a nod with a tight, faint smile. 

"Mr. Erick, I think we should head back to the photo shoot too," Aria said professionally. Trying her best to take him back to complete the photo shoot. He shoots a last glare at me before walking out, still looking like a raging bull. Only once he left my office did I take a deep breath of relief. I don't even know why I was holding my breath. I sat back on the couch, and then Noah bandaged my ankle properly like a pro to make the swelling go away. Once he was done, we walked out. We had decided to take both of their callable photos today because Erick doesn't have time. We will do Noah's sole photoshoot afterward. We all decided on it in yesterday's meeting. My gaze moved to Erick, who was busy talking on his cell phone with his secretary beside him with a file in his hand. He was in the middle of changing his shirt. Every woman standing in the room was ogling at his naked torso, and he didn't even mind it. Alice was practically drooling. Instead, he put his arm on his hips, and it flexed his biceps. Showing how many hours he puts in at the gym. As if feeling my eyes on him, he looked my way. His cold blue eyes settled on me. It made me immediately look away. I cleared my throat and decided to focus on my work. 

"We have to wait until he is done with his photo shoot, then we can move forward with taking both of your pictures," I explained to Noah. He gave me a nod. 

"I have decided to put your sole photoshoot there after tomorrow. Of course, we will discuss the date with your assistance before finalising it," I told him with a smile on my lips. 

"I think the day after tomorrow is perfect. I don't have anything planned for that day," he said, agreeing with me and making me beam at him. We got busy discussing the photo shoot and businesses. Aria walked towards us after half an hour. Only I know how I passed that half hour with those burning draggers in my way. 

"Noah, I think we should get you ready for the shoot," she told him, and then called Alcie, who was still busy drooling over Erick. I nodded, and then he walked away with them. I walked to the photographer, and he showed me the photos. All of them were perfect with his killing looks. I don't know how God can be so unfair and bless only a few people with good looks like him. 

"Ok, everyone, twenty-minute break," I announced to everyone. It will take that much time for Noah to get ready. It was a break for the staff before the shoot started again. One by one, everyone left the hall. 

I decided to go back to my office to take some rest, unaware of a surprise waiting for me there.

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