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Chapter 34: Zombies siege the city but buy it for zero yuan

  . Knowing that this city would be annihilated, Su You had no psychological burden at all about the zero-dollar purchase in Snow City.

  Instead, there was a vague expectation in my heart.

  She first came to Li Xiannian's villa, planning to pick up the leaks first.

  Apparently, after they left, another group of zombies visited the villa.

  The bodies of Basson and his accomplices had been blown to pieces and had been chewed by zombies.

  Apart from their clothes, they could barely be identified as them. There was almost no good meat left, and they couldn't even turn into zombies.

  After the confirmation, Su You finally felt relieved.

  She tsked lightly, it seemed that she would not be able to survive for her own misfortune.

  Su You continued to search the Li family's villa. He first went to the kitchen of the villa, searched the two large double-door refrigerators, and packed away all the fresh fruits and vegetables.

  The bookshelves and safe in the study were also left untouched, as was the wine cellar.

  Li Xiannian still had a lot of good things at home, and even if they were used as rewards for her efforts, she would accept them with a smile.

  Su You also found two zombies, one male and one female, wandering in the shadows of the corridor.

  Initially, there was no movement at all when she was not close. It was not until she got closer that she finally made a movement and lunged forward with a roar.

  Fortunately, Su You was on guard and shot them in the head with shotgun fire, and the two zombies' heads were instantly penetrated.

  With a bang, he fell straight down.

  Su You was quite satisfied.

  After all, she had only used pistols in her previous life, and she had just learned how to use the carbine two days ago. Her accuracy was a little off, so she just needed to practice more.

  However, facing zombies that are only slightly faster and suppressed by strong firepower, she will not suffer much.

  Maintaining this mentality, Su You continued to sweep other buildings in the villa area.

  Except that it would be a bit difficult to face a large number of zombies, it is easy to handle less than ten.

  Almost everyone in this small island community has been transformed into a zombie.

  During Su You's sweep, no trace of any living person was found.

  Even in buildings, all you encounter are zombies with no humanity.

  Maybe there were still living people in the basement, but that was no longer something she could care about.

  Before leaving, Su You kindly took out a speaker, placed it at an indestructible height, and repeatedly played the mechanical sound announcement, "Official announcement, after tomorrow night, the entire Snow City will be nuked. Please Residents should leave in time, or find air-raid shelters, prepare clean food and water, and hide and defend themselves."

  She was not too worried about someone recognizing her. After all, she was wearing a helmet, a coat, and was fully equipped and well-prepared. It was difficult to tell the difference. Is it male or female.

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