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Oh— That's right. Fushiguro, Tsumiki was with us then, too.


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"We didn't sense any presence or residuals," Megumi said to Nitta, standing outside a convenience store.

"Really? Guess it's a lost cause. Back to square one.." Nitta mumbled.

"But wouldn't it be a problem if we take too long?" Yuji asked.

"Why?" Nobara echoed.

"I mean, it's famous for paranormal activity, right? There may be plenty of others who got cursed. And right now, the death rate is at a hundred percent," Yuji explained, "We can't afford to let more people die."

"True.." Nobara sighed.

"Ding-ding!" Nitta exclaimed, seeming to have found a clue, "Bungee jumping was all the rage then, right? So maybe the act of jumping off is the key?"

"Did she just say 'ding-ding'?" Yuji asked, shocked by how cute she was acting, "Did she really just say that?

"She did! She totally did!" Nobara exclaimed back.

"It's not like they haven't tried it," you sighed, crossing your arms.

"Huh?!" Nitta paused, thinking about past events.

"Yeah," Megumi echoed.

"What?! You mean you jumped with that plastic cord?!" Nitta shouted, shocked and worried for how thin the cord was.

"Oh, there you are! Thank goodness!" A familiar boy's voice called out, "Fushiguro-san! Y/N-san!"

You let out a curious hum, turning to see the same delinquent with black hair on a bike with a shy looking girl with a bob.

"Who's that again?" Nobara asked.

"Fushiguro's underclassman." Yuji answered. "Don't you remember picking on him?"


"You were talking about Yasohachi Bridge?" He asked, "I'm really glad I found you here!"

Megumi squinted his eyes slightly at the girl. "..Fujinuma?"

Nitta looked at Megumi and hummed curiously at the mention of the name.

"A classmate," he elaborated.

"My older sister," the black-haired boy presented.

Fujinuma bowed kindly. "I'm glad you remember me."

"I was telling my sis about how I saw you yesterday..." The delinquent explained.

"Um, Morishita from the neighborhood passed away recently..." Fujinuma looked down, "...Then my brother told me you were investigating him and the Yasohachi Bridge. I thought, maybe it was more than a coincidence."

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 // 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now