Oh, Ehmel, I can't live without you

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It was already evening and I was exhausted from the day's festivities. I decided to head back to my room to rest, As I was about to leave, Ehmel's mother appeared with a worried expression on her face.

"Salar, do you know where Ehmel is?" she asked anxiously, her concern palpable in her voice.

"No, aunty. I haven't seen her since we last spoke," I replied.

"Aunty, she's not in her room," I added, starting to feel concerned.

"No beta, she isn't there," she said with tears in her eyes.

My heart skipped a beat. Ehmel was not in her room? Where could she be?

"I think she might be with Sarim, I'll go ask him," Raha interjected, offering to help.

But as I went to Sarim's room, I realized that Ehmel was not there. Panic started to set in as
I looked around everywhere, my heart beating faster with each passing second. The resort was large, and I began to feel more and more anxious as I searched every corner, but Ehmel was nowhere to be found.

Feeling anxious, I went to ask Natasha if she had seen Ehmel anywhere. Maybe she had an idea of where she could be.

"Natasha, have you seen Ehmel?" I asked, hoping that she had some information about her whereabouts.

"Amm, Salar, I did see Ehmel a few hours ago. She was heading downstairs," Natasha replied, looking at me curiously.

"Downstairs? Which side?" I asked urgently, my mind racing with the possibilities.

Natasha thought for a moment. "I think it was the old basement," she said finally.

My heart dropped as I realized where Ehmel might be. Without wasting any more time, I dashed towards the basement, My mind was filled with worry and fear for Ehmel's safety.

"Oh, Ehmel, please be safe," I prayed silently as I ran towards the old basement. I couldn't imagine what could have happened to her, but I knew that I had to find her as soon as possible.

As I made my way down the creaky wooden stairs, I could feel a chill run down my spine. The atmosphere was eerily quiet and the dimly lit hallway felt like it was straight out of a horror movie. I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as I slowly descended towards the main living area. "I just hope she's not here," I muttered to myself, trying to calm my nerves.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I noticed something glimmering on the ground. As I bent down to pick it up, I realized it was a familiar earring. "This is Ehmel's earring," I whispered, my heart racing with fear. Without wasting another second, I ran inside, towards the room,

But as I reached the door, I realized it was locked. Panic started to set in. I tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. "Ehmel, are you there?" I shouted, hoping for a response. But all I could hear was the sound of my own rapid breathing and the pounding of my heart.

I tried to open the door again, but no luck. Just then, a faint cough sound came from inside the room. My heart skipped a beat. I knew it was her. "Ehmel," I whispered, my voice trembling with fear and desperation. "Ehmel, don't worry. I'm here. Your Salar is here."

I frantically tried to break the door open. At first, my efforts were in vain. But then, with all my strength and anger, I pushed against the door and it finally gave way.

As I stepped inside, my worst fears were confirmed. I saw Ehmel lying on the ground, her beautiful white dress now dirty and torn. Her hair was covering her face, but I could see that she was unconscious. I rushed to her side, my heart aching seeing her in this state.

"Ehmel, wake up," I said, my voice breaking. But there was no response from her. Tears started to well up in my eyes as I held her in my arms, feeling completely helpless. "Please, Ehmel, please wake up," I begged, my voice breaking with emotion.

Just then, Ehmel let out a faint cough and slowly opened her eyes. "Salar," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Relief washed over me as I heard her speak. "Oh, Ehmel, I can't live without you," I confessed, tears flowing freely down my cheeks.

Ehmel weakly smiled and put her hand on my face. "And I can't live without you," she replied, her words sending a jolt of electricity through my body. I held her close, not wanting to let go,

I knew then that I couldn't lose her. I had to do everything in my power to make sure she was safe and happy. I picked her up in my arms and carried her to my room.

As we entered my room, I gently laid her down on my bed. Her eyes were barely open and she looked exhausted. Taking a deep breath, I went to the kitchen to fetch some water and medicine for Ehmel.

As I came back, I could see that she was trying to open her eyes, but she was struggling. I sat next to her and put my hand on her forehead to check her temperature. "Oh Ehmel, you have a fever. Let me call the doctor," I said with concern in my voice.

But before I could even grab my phone, Ehmel took hold of my hand and pleaded, "No Salar, don't leave me." My heart sank at the sight of her weak and frail state. "No Ehmel, I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here. Let me just call the doctor, okay?" I said while caressing her head.

But she refused. "No, I'm fine Salar. It's just a little shock. I'll be fine, don't worry," she said with a weak smile. I was worried sick about her, but I trusted her and respected her decision.

I sat down next to her on the bed and couldn't help but feel angry and worried at the same time. "Why did you even go there, Ehmel?" I asked in a raised voice. "I went there for you," she replied in a soft and gentle tone.

I was baffled. "What do you mean for me?" I asked, not understanding why she would go to an old basement for my sake. "Yes, Hala told me you were looking for me at the old basement," she explained.

My anger and worry only grew. "What? Why would I call you at such a dangerous place, Ehmel?" I said with irritation creeping into my voice.

"And why did you even go there?" I asked, concerned for her safety. "She said you wanted to meet me, so how could I not go there?" she replied with a sad expression.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "What if she had told you that I wanted to meet you in a jungle? Would you still have gone there?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow, trying to make her understand the severity of the situation.

Without any hesitation, she replied, "Yes, I would go wherever you asked me to. Because I trust you, Salar."

As I looked at her, her words hit me like a ton of bricks. I remembered why Hala had said that in the first place. She was trying to test Ehmel's trust and loyalty towards me. And she came out shining, proving to me yet again why she was the one for me.

Just then, Mrs. Tazmeer entered the room. "Oh Ehmel, are you okay?" she asked with concern. "Okay Mrs. Tazmeer, I will come in some time. Right now, I need to go talk to Hala," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. I stormed out of the room,

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