Oh Ehmel, this is not right to be this beautiful

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After some time, I was doing the final check on the reception venue and all the arrangements.
I want everything to be perfect for my sister's big day. Ehmel was busy discussing the last-minute details with the wedding planner. and I decided to join them.

"Hey Ehmel, are you done now?" I asked, trying to get her attention.

"Yes, I'm done Salar," she replied with a smile.

Just then, My aunt, Aqsa, joined us. "Hey Ehmel beta, are you going to the parlour?" she asked.

"Yes, aunty, I am," Ehmel replied.

"Okay, then come with us. We're also going there," Aunty Aqsa said, smiling.

I gave Ehmel a look, silently asking her to say no. I wanted to go with her to drop her off at the parlour. But Ehmel was hesitating, and I could see that. I was hoping she would say no, but of course, it's Ehmel. How can she say no to anyone?

"Sure, aunty, let's go," she said, giving me a look that said she didn't have any other option.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her, knowing that she was just being her polite and accommodating self. I crossed my arms and looked at her, hoping that she would change her mind and let me drop her off at the parlour. But she didn't budge, and I watched as she left with my aunt.


As I was walking away from Salar, I couldn't help but look back at him. He was making a fake sad face at me, trying to guilt me into staying a little longer. But what struck me the most was how cute he looked in that moment. I couldn't resist giving him a smile before I continued on my way to sit in the car.

Some time later,

As I sat in front of the mirror, getting my makeup done by the makeup artist, I couldn't help but feel excited for the evening ahead. Suddenly, my phone beeped, and I saw a text from Salar. My heart drops as I read his message, "Ehmel, you did wrong with me :("

I quickly reply, "Haha.. oh Salar, it was not in my hand." I couldn't help but laugh to myself at Salar's text. Raha noticed my unconditionally happy smile and asked, "Why are you smiling at your phone? Who are you talking to Ehmel?"

I quickly made up an excuse, "Oh, no one Raha. I was just laughing at a joke Sarim sent me." Raha gave me a suspicious look but didn't press further.

As the time for the reception drew closer, Raha and everyone left for the venue. I was the last one to leave, waiting for someone to pick me up. I texted Raha to send someone to pick me up, but just then my phone rang. It was Salar. I immediately answered his call, "He-ey." I barely managed to say.

"Ehmel, I'm coming to pick you up," Salar said on the other end of the line.

"What? No, Salar. You have to be at the reception right now," I replied, worried that he might miss his sister's special day.

"No, Ehmel. I'm coming. Just wait, okay?" Salar reassured me before hanging up the call.

I put my hand on my head, feeling a little guilty. "Oh Salar," I said to myself.

After a few minutes, Salar texts me to come outside. I gather my things and make my way out. As I step outside, my eyes immediately fell on Salar. He was leaning against his car, looking dashing in a black tuxedo.

I couldn't help but stare at him, he looked like a prince charming right out of a fairy tale

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I couldn't help but stare at him, he looked like a prince charming right out of a fairy tale. As I made my way towards him, Salar flashed me his charming smile.


Love is a beautiful feeling that can make even the simplest moments seem magical. It can make you feel like you are living in a fairytale, and everything around you is perfect. That's exactly how I felt when I saw Ehmel coming towards me, looking like she just stepped out of a Bollywood movie.

She was wearing a stunning red sari, Her long black hair cascaded down her back, adding to her ethereal beauty. As she came closer, I could see her face was lit up with happiness, making her look even more breathtaking.

 As she came closer, I could see her face was lit up with happiness, making her look even more breathtaking

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I couldn't help but admire her as she walked towards me. When she finally reached me, I couldn't resist the urge to put her hair behind her ears and tell her how beautiful she looked.

"Oh Ehmel, this is not right to be this beautiful," I said, unable to contain my admiration.

She chuckled at my words and playfully scolded me for being flirty. "Stop it, Salar," she said, pretending to be annoyed. But I knew deep down she loved the attention. We both knew that there was something special between us.

As we got into my car and drove away, I couldn't stop stealing glances at her. She looked like a vision in red. I couldn't help but feel grateful to have her by my side.

As we reached the venue, I couldn't help but feel nervous. I had been planning to tell Ehmel how I felt about her, but every time I tried, my nerves got the best of me.

As she was about to open the car door, I took her hand and stopped her. I looked into her eyes, and my heart was beating so fast that I could hear it in my ears.

"Hey Ehmel, I want to tell you something," I said, my voice trembling with nervousness.

Her face turned nervous too, and her hand was shaking in mine. "Yes Salar, what is it about?" she asked, her voice equally shaky.

I took a deep breath and tried to gather my courage. "Come on Salar, be a big boy and tell her that you love her. You've talked with whole America, but why are you nervous around her?" I scolded myself in my head. I knew I had to do this, for the sake of our love.

"Ehmel, I...I..." I couldn't complete my sentence as my heart was beating so fast that I could barely speak. I looked into her eyes, and I could sense that her heart was beating just as fast as mine. "Yes Salar?" she asked, her eyes filled with hope and excitement.

"Ehmel, I loo..." Before I could finish my sentence, someone knocked on the car mirror, interrupting our moment. It was Mrs. Tazmeer, We both shook our heads, trying to get rid of the awkwardness, and I slid down the mirror. "Come on guys, the guests are already here," Mrs. Tazmeer said, not realizing the moment she had just interrupted.

Ehmel quickly got out of the car, and as she walked away with Mrs. Tazmeer, her face was glowing with happiness. I couldn't help but smile at myself like an idiot. I had missed my chance to tell her how I felt, but seeing her happy made me forget all about it. I got out of the car and joined them, feeling grateful to have her in my life.

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