Oh my God, what are my pictures doing in Salar's closet?

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Love is an emotion that can change one's perspective in a blink of an eye. It can make us fall for someone we once despised, and it can also make us realize the true beauty of a person. As I stood in the balcony, looking at the beautiful view in front of me,

my attention was suddenly drawn to the person standing beside me. It was Salar – the same guy whom I used to hate just a few weeks ago. And now, I found myself head over heels in love with him. It's funny how life can surprise you sometimes.

Salar is an amazing person. He always manages to put a smile on my face and is always there for me whenever I need him. Today, he did something that made me realize why I have fallen in love with him.

We were standing on the balcony, lost in our thoughts, when Salar broke the silence. "Ehmel, what are you thinking?" he asked. I hesitated for a moment, not sure if I should tell him what was on my mind. But then, I decided to open up to him. "Nothing, just thinking about how much we used to fight and now..." I trailed off, not able to complete my sentence.

"And now what, Ehmel? Complete your sentence," Salar asked, his gaze fixed on me. In that moment, it felt like time had stopped.

My heart was beating so fast that I was afraid he would hear it. "Nothing," I said, looking away from him.

But Salar didn't let it go. "So, Ehmel, do you have a boyfriend?" he asked. I was taken aback by his question. I didn't expect him to ask something like that. "No, I don't," I replied, trying to hide the excitement in my voice.

"Oh, thank God," he whispered, making my heart skip a beat. "What did you say?' I asked, hoping he would repeat his words. "Um, nothing," he said, avoiding my gaze. But deep down, I knew what he said, and it made me happy.

My curiosity peaked, and I couldn't help but ask, "Do you have a girlfriend?" I prayed that he said no because I didn't want to hear about any other girl in his life. "No, I don't have time for that," he replied, making me secretly happy.

Feeling a surge of hope, I asked the question that had been on my mind for so long, "So, is there any girl you like?" Salar looked into my eyes for a moment, and a smile crept on his face. "Yes, there is," he finally said, making my heart swell with happiness.

At that moment, I knew that the person he was talking about was me. I couldn't believe my luck. The guy I used to hate was now standing in front of me, confessing his feelings. It felt like a dream come true.

But just when we were lost in our own little world, we heard a loud knock on the door. "Salar," a voice came. "It's Aunty Aqsa. She is like a BBC news, if she knows I'm in your room, she will make a big deal out of it and maybe say something wrong about us." I said panicked.

"Okay, Ehmel, calm down," Salar said, trying his best to reassure me. "We didn't do anything wrong, so why are you scared?"

I took a deep breath and replied, "No, Salar, you don't know anything. She will create a big issue out of this."

"Okay, okay, go and hide in my dressing room,"Salar said, pointing towards his dressing room.

I quickly went to hide in the dressing room, but as I entered, my hand accidentally touched a box, and it fell on the floor. As I bent down to pick it up, I saw a lot of pictures scattered on the floor. They were all pictures of me, from the first event we attended together to now. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Oh my God, what are my pictures doing in Salar's closet?" I said to myself, my heart filled with joy and confusion.

My heart was beating so fast, and I got goosebumps all over my body. I couldn't believe that Salar had been keeping these pictures of me all this time. It felt like a sweet gesture, and I felt overwhelmed with love.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I heard Salar's voice. I quickly gathered the pictures, put them back in the box, and placed it back where it belonged. "Salar, why does your room smell like a girl?" Aunty Aqsa's voice came from outside.

Salar completely ignored the question and said, "Aunty, why are you here?"

"Oh, son, your father is looking for you. He said your phone is powered off, so I came to call you," Aunty Aqsa said.

"Okay, thanks, Aunt. You go, and I'll be there in five minutes," Salar said, trying to get Aunty Aqsa to leave.

I heard the door closing sound, indicating that Aunty Aqsa had left. Salar then suddenly walked into the room. I was taken aback and got scared. My feet slipped, and I was about to fall, But before I could hit the ground, Salar caught me in his muscular arms. My heart skips a beat, and I feel butterflies in my stomach. Our eyes meet, and we get lost in each other's gaze.

In that moment, time seems to stop, and all I could hear was the sound of my heart beating faster. But then reality hits me, and I quickly snatch myself away from Salar's arms and run out of his room without saying a word. I am embarrassed and confused about my feelings,

but as I looked back while running, I saw Salar standing there, with a smile on his face.I couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation in my heart. I knew that the pictures in his room meant something special to him, and I was happy to be a part of it.

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