𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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"Choso. I will ask you one more time," you hissed, "Did you call him?!" Your irritation was evident on your face, your voice showing how mad, ashamed and outright humiliated you felt in that moment.

Choso stumbled over his words, trying to make sense of what you saw, of what even happened. "I... I don't know. I didn't call him intentionally..." The look on his face was the epitome of confusion and bewilderment as he opened and closed his mouth in search of an answer to all the uncertain questions lingering in the air. 

You arched a brow, your arms crossed on your chest demanding an explanation for the embarrassing situation from your boyfriend, who didn't even know what had happened. "And who do you think called him, then?!" You scowled, anger lacing your words now. "Do you think the Oompa Loompas came and thought 'OH RIGHT LET'S CALL THAT FUCKING STITCHED UP FUCKTARD; SEEMS LIKE A GREAT IDEA'??"

Choso stepped back, still shirtless as you pressed your pointer finger to his bare chest, pushing him backwards even more in your fury. The whole thing was a weird experience nonetheless, but then HIM hearing how you two were getting it on, AND meeting him tomorrow on this mission was a big No-Go. 

The invasion of such privacy felt like a punch to the gut and every time something like that happened, you couldn't help yourself but react with extraordinary anger, even if it wasn't that bad. You were just bad at coping with those things in general. 

"I didn't notice...," he tried to explain, "I don't know! It must have been an accident... I would never do something to embarrass you, let alone hurt you in that sense!" He pleaded, apologizing over and over as he rubbed his face in frustration and your anger slowly evaporated, even if you were still mad at him. 

"I'm so sorry." He pouted, trying to pull you in for a kiss but you pushed his hands off your waist as you turned around and concentrated on cutting the vegetables quietly. Standing there in silence, you were brooding and already dreading the next day. Meeting the person again that most likely heard your moans and the slapping of skin in the heat of the moment seemed like the last end of things you wanted to experience in your life. The absolute last. 

Choso loosened a breath, turning around to fill up the pot with water, so you could continue cooking together, all while figuring out how he could make you believe that he didn't call Mahito on purpose. Calling him again was an option, asking what he heard on the other hand – was not.

Your lips were pressed into a thin line as you turned around to put the sliced ingredients into the water, careful not to touch him or even come near him for the next few hours to let your bad mood subside again. 

All you wanted to right now was just scream. Scream out of frustration that something like that had happened.

"We could call him agai-" Choso started in a compromising tone, but you cut him off with a short 'No.' as you turned around again to get the noodles out of the cupboard. He sighed, arming himself for the next hours of silence, since you didn't seem in the mood to discuss the matters anyway.

After you finished eating, both of you mute until the very last bite, you put down your spoon and swallowed before a heavy sigh left you and you rolled your eyes at your own behavior.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you." Choso lifted his eyes to look at you, his gaze now meeting yours and he could tell the apology was genuine. He took your hand into his, lacing his fingers around your own as you went on. 

"I didn't mean it. I know you didn't do it on purpose... I was just angry it actually happened. And I was embarrassed." He placed a small kiss on the back of your hand, in acceptance of your statement and a tight smile curled up on his lips. "I know. I'm sorry too. You don't have to be embarrassed though, I'm sure he's never heard any moans in real life." He chuckled as he set down the spoon as well and stood up to do the dishes. 

A small giggle escaped as you thought about the awkwardness of the whole situation, finally you could laugh about it as soon as the irritation and anger died down inside of you. You snaked your arms around his back while he washed the plates and cutlery and you pressed a kiss on his neck, whispering softly. "We should enjoy our early anniversary now. I'm going to put on a movie, babe."

He nodded silently as you retreated to the living room and searched for a movie you both would enjoy with a drink, celebrating two years together. You were scrolling mindlessly through every imaginable genre but when you finally clicked on one of your favourite movies, Choso joined you on the couch, snuggling up to you and pulling up the blanket to warm you up with his hands wrapped around your waist. 

Even if you gave other people the feeling you were confident, badass and cocky – You turned back into a little girl while watching 'Howl's moving castle'.

You already knew it, almost every sentence could be recited by you because you've seen it almost a thousand times, but every damn time it made you cry. Sobbing, you curled up to Choso's chest and couldn't believe that, once again, you gave into the nostalgia that clung to your favourite movie.

He pressed his lips to your temple as your breathing became shallow and your mind drifted off with the soundtrack of the movie still playing quietly in the background. "Happy anniversary, my love. I love you." he whispered, a heated breath against your hair.

It made you smile, to know that he didn't judge you for your behavior, and that he forgave you so quickly again.

It made you appreciate his companionship and closeness even more, the feelings growing with each and every breath that he took next to you. "To you too. I love you too." you breathed, closing your eyes and letting yourself be swept away by the sleep you desperately needed before tomorrows mission.

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