𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏

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You shivered when you pulled off the wet tarp from your shoulders, and as soon as he noticed he peeled off his jacket and handed it to you with a stern expression on his face. Without another exchange of words, you nodded as to thank him for his gesture and slipped your frozen arms inside. 

He held the umbrella for both of you as you silently walked up to the entrance of the building and Yuji was strolling along the hallway, ruffling his hair when you stepped into the door.

"G'morning Megumi!" he yawned, greeting his friend first thing in the morning. His hair was still a little messy and his white shirt and joggers played well with the sleepy expression on his face. 

Oh – so that was Megumi. 

As soon as he rubbed the weariness out his eyes, his gaze set on you and his jaw dropped. He studied your figure, dripping wet and his friends jacket hanging loosely on your shoulders. Your eyebags and the sunken cheeks were enough for his expression to turn from pleasantly surprised to concerned quite fast. 

"Y/N?!" he wondered, his eyes widened at the sight of you, "Gojo-sensei told me you had gone home?" You shook your head, a grim smile on your face. "Surprise – I guess?" You chuckled bitterly as you averted your gaze to Megumi. "Thank you for the jacket." 

You slid your arms out the warm coat and handed it to Megumi, still with a forced smile on your face when he pointed his finger between Yuji and you. "You know each other?" he raised a brow and continued on, "How?"

"That's a story for another time." You stepped up to Yuji, touching his arm gently and your freezing fingers made him flinch slightly at the cold. You had to talk to Yuji about your plan to stay here, he would be the only one that understood. There was no way around that Gojo would have to know about it too, since he already knew what you tried to do. 

"Can we talk?" You pulled him out the entrance and the cold breeze that feathered your skin let a shudder creep through you. Crossing your arms on your chest, you rubbed the skin to keep the warmth inside your body. He wasn't even able to respond until you were outside already and you stared him down, the silent question lingering in your eyes.

"Yuji, I wanted to come back and ask you if I could stay here. And you need to help me." you urged, taking his hand into your freezing one, "You and Gojo are the only ones that know what really went down, and I beg you to forgive me and forget what happened so we can have a fresh start. Please." 

Your voice was brittle and your teeth were chattering while speaking, but his smile warmed you up from the inside as he responded. "I already told you – I forgive you." He assured you that he would talk to Gojo about this and ask him about your stay here, but he also noted that it would likely be necessary for you or them to get permission from principal Yaga.

Everything was fine with you, if it meant you could stay here for at least a few weeks, you would do anything to not have to go back.

Yuji led the way to the living room, where Gojo usually resided when there wasn't any teaching or training happening and you trailed behind him, still wet and cold.

"Gojo-sensei!" he chimed as he entered the room, Gojo sprawled on the chair casually dozing in and out of sleep seemingly. He pulled up his blindfold a bit, switching his eyes from Yuji to you and a small frown suddenly appeared on his lips. 

Was he mad? No – he couldn't be mad, he told you back at the forest that you could do whatever you wanted, stay or leave. And you just needed a little time to decide on what you wanted. 

You were not sure what that could have meant, but you knew you had to elaborate why you appeared on their doorstep all of a sudden again.

"Hi." You spoke in a small voice, not even close to your usual demeanor and to the things you would have thrown at him under normal circumstances. His whole attitude made you mad, even though he seemed so 'human' sometimes, you were convinced that he was just a prick. 

"Look who's back...," his frown disappeared and instead there was a wry grin plastered on his face, "Did you miss me so much that you came back?" He chuckled as he stood up and went over to stop right in front of your face, eyeing you from top to bottom with his hands in his pockets.

You were not having it right now, he was just as annoying as you had remembered, and you wanted to vanish right then and there. "I already regret coming back..." you murmured as you gritted your teeth. He drove you nuts. 

Yuji stated that you came back and you wanted to stay here for a few weeks, meanwhile your glances hopped back and forth between them. A few minutes later Gojo merely nodded and grabbed your arm to guide you to another room, and you noticed that it was in a completely different location than last time. 

Why was he taking you down the other hallway? Was he scared that you'd steal again? 

As if it wasn't degrading enough that you looked like a wet poodle that was forgotten outside, he picked up speed and scrunched his nose, looking down at you. You shot him a glance that could have killed when you saw him pouting.

"Would you tell me what's wrong?! Why do you look at me like that? I know that's probably not my best look yet, but-" you confessed, a small giggle escaping you but Gojo cut you off.

"When was the last time that you ate proper food?" He took a glimpse at your thin waist showing through the drenched tank top you were wearing and looked into your eyes again. 

You shook off his hand, whose fingers were still wrapped around your upper arm, and it dropped down to his side as he took a stand and you crossed your arms on your chest. "I don't know... like a week ago, maybe?!" You cleared your throat as you turned around and looked back at his puzzled face. 

"Why do you even care?" you argued, ready to start a fight if need be. He picked up pace and fell into step beside you, but soon enough his fingers touched your arm again, but much gentler this time. 

"You look horribly malnourished. And..." he started, but then looked you up and down again. "...And?!" You urged – mimicking his top to bottom glare. 

"You smell." He smirked, knowing how he would make your blood boil with his taunting comments.

Your mouth dropped open and your eyes narrowed, fury bubbling up in every pore of your body as you slapped off his arm.

"EXCUSE ME?!" you barked, hitting his arm and storming off to whatever direction seemed right because you clearly didn't want him ANYWHERE near you anymore.

"You better prepare yourself for the next time we meet, because you-" you yelled, turning around and pointing your finger at him, "-won't be able to walk after that anymore!"

You were so done with that white-haired bastard. As you stomped along, you could hear his voice sounding out again, but you didn't even bother to turn around this time. 

"I'd say the same goes for you, then." he teased, and his laugh echoed through the hallway.


Your response boomed as you turned around the corner and flipped him off just before you were out of his sight.

You shook your head in disbelief at this man's personality and you wished you never even came here. You wished you could have gotten back your own cursed object, so you could turn back time – to never even meet THE SIX EYES GOJO SATORU and live your life happily ever after. 

While you were getting riled up over the behavior that he unveiled, you didn't even care or take notice of where you were walking. You just took one step after another, but a sudden hindrance sent you stumbling back and your balance was gone. 

You fell down, your back hitting the wooden flooring as you rubbed your head when the dizziness took over once again. 

"I'm sorry,... – Y/N?

The voice that rang in your ears was familiar, and you knew instantly who it was that you bumped into. His body was as hard as stone, but still looking soft enough to cuddle into. Even if you didn't want to admit it, this was the only thought that came to your mind as he reached down to help you stand up again. 

"Ugh... I'm so sorry." you muttered, still rubbing your head and internally wincing at the pain that shot through it.

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