𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎

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"How about that?" Gojo held up a black short dress, clean and minimalistic – and Gucci. You were stunned by that man's delusion in terms of money, it seemed as if he never had to worry about affording something even one day in his life.

"Are you fucking crazy?" you cursed, pinching your brows in irritation, "THIS IS A GUCCI DRESS! I can't train in that either!" You shook your head, turning away from him, strolling through the store towards the discount items.

You were actually astonished by his unrealistic expectances on life as a normal person would have lived it – he had no idea of how expensive this all really was.

You continued to brush through the sales rack at the store and pulled out a black jumpsuit, perfect for training and free time. Some jeans and a skirt and a comfortable black t-shirt to go with it.

The only thing missing was a jacket, because in the evening it was still kind of chilly outside.

"Y/N!" You heard Gojo yell through the whole store, a sigh leaving your lips as you wished to disappear into the floorboards. He rushed over, a hanger with some jacket in his hand as he stopped in front of you with a beaming smile.

"Isn't this perfect?!" he sang, obviously excited about his find, "This goes perfectly with the skirt – or the jeans! And it's really not that expensive!"

You flipped over the price tag and your mouth dropped open – never in your life had you bought any item that cost that much. "You are delusional if you think ¥ 500,000 is NOT THAT EXPENSIVE?!" you quietly hissed to him, shock written all over your face, "PUT IT BACK. I'm going to find something else on sale."

His hand dropped, and you saw his expression change – even through his blindfold – and the frown on his face was more than evident as you averted your gaze. "Don't you women like getting expensive things? I always thought that's something you all wanted?" He pouted, turning the coat on the hanger around and examining it thoroughly.

"Most of them do, but I don't want to be a burden, you know?" you muttered, while skipping through all the different coats that were on sale, "And I'm already thankful that you buy me ANY type of clothes and if this were designer clothes I'd feel really bad about it because I already feel like I'm in your debt..."

You were just rambling as you sorted through the different jackets and finally pulled out one that looked somewhat decent, showing it to Gojo. "What about this one?" He raised his brows, pressing his lips shut and silently pushed the coat down onto the rack again. "We're going to get you the expensive one. Don't worry. That one looks like some grandmother's curtains." he reasoned, leaving you there and taking the clothes that you propped up on your hand to the cashier.

"You're such a pain in the ass, you know that?" You shook your head and followed after him to buy all the stuff he had taken from you. He just chuckled to your comment, not even bothering to respond to that, because he already knew you were right – and that was not the first time he heard that. 


After visiting different stores to step up your wardrobe, you were tired – of the day and Gojo. He had such an exhausting personality. You asked yourself multiple times how someone could have put up with him day after day, but the longer you spent time with him, you had to admit, the more fun it was.

All the shopping made you hungry, and you knew you weren't alone with your problem because beside you, Gojo's stomach was rumbling as you walked along with the sun setting in the far distance. The orange hue that the last light cast on the buildings and the faces was accentuating everyone's beauty in another perspective.

Even Gojo looked different and you studied his facial features, even though you didn't want to admit it, he really was a beautiful and handsome man – You could see why the girls that crossed your way today were swooning over his looks.

"Do you want to take a photo? Since you seem to like looking at me so much, huh?" he coolly asked, a wry grin plastered on his face. "Hah, in your dreams!" You chuckled quietly as you both walked along the sidewalk and you knew that this could be your chance to finally get to talk about Toji.

The whole day he was acting like you two were the best of friends, although you weren't even sure if you could do so much as tolerate him. Also, you didn't know if he was acting so flirty towards every woman he met, but with you it was kind of annoying – throughout the day he joked and made advances that he'd be the best catch for every woman out there.

"Can you tell me something about Toji Fushiguro? I heard that you hated him, and that...," you hesitated, "...you killed him?" You looked at him, his expression turning serious once he faced you. "Why do you want to know?"

Did you have to tell him the truth?

It was the only way for you to find out what happened to the cursed object that once belonged to you.

You had to.

"I...," you began, pondering about the right words to choose, "He stole something valuable from me. A long time ago. And I want to know where it's at." As fast as his stern expression appeared, it was gone again and he was his usual careless, stupid self again. "Let's get something to eat first, then we can rest somewhere and have a little chit-chat."

He rushed inside a bakery, getting some sweets for both of your hungry stomachs and left you standing outside – baffled at his sudden disappearance.

"What a child..." You mumbled to yourself and rubbed your arms to get warm again, since the sun set the chill wind left you with goosebumps and you shivered from the cold air that was now surrounding you. You turned around, admiring the city that seemingly never slept, when suddenly you were cradled in the warmth you craved and your head snapped around. 

Gojo hung the new coat on your shoulders, taking notice of your shuddering body and all you could get out at his attentiveness was a small mumble of thanks when he reached inside the paper bag. He held up some kind of baked goods to your face which – to be honest – smelled delicious.

"Thank you. And thank you for the clothes." A hesitant smile curled your lips and he only nodded. No sassy comment? No flirty comeback? Kind of unusual in retrospect of the nagging you had to endure the whole day, but it was a welcome difference for you.

You both let yourself fall onto a bench in a nearby park where you devoured the fresh pastries he got. After eating in silence, you pulled up your feet to your chin and made yourself comfortable and he stretched out, casually leaning back and resting his head on the back of the bench.

"Now would you tell me about Toji?" You started again, but he only sighed – heavily. "How do you even know him?" he responded, obviously annoyed at your persistence. "He asked me out on a few dates until I noticed he stole something from me. He left and I never saw him again." you explained truthfully.

"So that's why you were so upset after you talked to Megumi?" He faced the sky, his head dropping over the edge of the backrest. You only hummed in agreement of his assumption, but went on nonetheless. "He told me that you practically raised him, because his father wasn't there anyway."

He sat up straight, pulled off his blindfold and rested his elbows on his knees leaning forward and rubbing his face in irritation. "At least I tried to." he muttered, covering his mouth, "You're bringing up a bunch of not very good memories there." He chuckled bitterly to himself as he averted his gaze to your eyes.

"You really killed him." – "I did."

𝑚 𝑒 𝑡 𝑎 𝑛 𝑜 𝑖 𝑎 // JJK x readerWhere stories live. Discover now