𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔

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"Sooo - Hi, Y/N!" His grin widened and he reached out his hand for you to shake it, but you were stuck in such an awkward situation that you didn't really know how to react to him. A little forced thin-lipped smile decorated your face as your brows rose and you shook his hand hesitantly. 

"I guess, now that we're friends, you can watch 'Rubber' with me, right?" he cheered, to which you shook your head profusely. "Wait, wait, wait. Yuji, I just told you that I stole from you and I'm much older than you-" 

You began to argue but Yuji wasn't having it and he just chimed in again. "And?"

"AND?!? I stole something that belonged to you – And you still want to be friends?" You emphasized every word that was spoken because you couldn't believe that he was serious. "No hard feelings! I forgive you!" He beamed with joy, while you just sat there, baffled from his persistence. 

"Come on! We still need to rest and I can't train for another two days, so we could just hang out in the basement and watch a few movies together!" His cheerful personality was truly something you haven't witnessed in quite a while and with the puppy eyes he gave you, who were you to resist.

Who knew what that could bring? You could really act like you were friends and you could lead him on, so he'd give you the cursed object anyway and you could leave. 

Yeah, why not. 

"Ugh... Why not, I guess." you rolled your eyes, even though your lips formed a small smile when you saw him celebrating his victory, "But still, please don't tell anyone what I told you earlier." He shook his head and his light pink hair was swaying from the movement, but his expression didn't change at all. "Don't worry! Now let's go!"

After Yuji helped you downstairs to the basement, he brought some snacks, drinks and sweets and put on the first movie. You loved watching movies, but his dedication was on a whole other level. That boy could watch TV for days on end as it seemed and after a few hours of sitting beside him, concentrating on the plot ranging from action to comedy to romance, you needed a break. Desperately. 

You both cracked open a drink and he told you stories about his time at Jujutsu High, he was really talkative which was fine with you, since you usually kept to yourself around people you didn't know or didn't get on your nerves.

From the curses they had to fight, to his other friends, their trips around Tokyo, his favorite food and color – You knew everything about him by now. 

He told you about the fingers and how he became Sukuna's vessel and how he first met all of his friends and teachers. Every now and then, you had to stifle an actual laugh – which was rare – but just how he told the stories about Gojo and Nanami made them even funnier. From your perspective you couldn't really understand why Nanami still put up with Gojo after all the shit he had put him through. 

It must have been already dark out when suddenly a voice interrupted your conversation from behind you, and both of your heads snapped back to peer over the edge of the backrest of the couch.

"What are we watching!?" Gojo strolled towards the couch and plopped down beside Yuji, whose smile was only getting wider at the sight of his favorite teacher joining him. "Gojo-sensei!" he yelled cheerfully, but you only gave him a displeased look, your brows pinched together.

"You're not going to see anything with that thing on your face..." you muttered, peeking out beside Yuji. "Oh ~ I can see very well, even with 'that thing'." He inched closer to Yuji to lean over to you, so close to your face that you could even smell his perfume – a fresh scent with hints of bergamot and citrus mixed in with a woody base. 

If you had closed your eyes, you could have almost tasted the salty, crisp ocean air from his cologne.

"You won't even believe everything that I can see." He tilted his head and pulled up his blindfold just a tiny bit, a glimpse of his crushing blue eyes piercing through you.

Yuji leaned back into the sofa, a disgusted 'Ew' slipping through his lips and you slid back a few inches when he came closer again. 

"I can even see your cursed energy..." he mused quietly, with a cheeky smile flashed towards you as he retorted back into his seat and pulled the black fabric back down again. 

You knew he was the strongest sorcerer alive, but it still unsettled you that he instantly knew about your cursed energy. Also, you knew that this wasn't the only thing he must have known about you already, a small part of you wanted to know what it was that he could see with his six eyes but you wouldn't give him the satisfaction of asking him. 

He may be the strongest, but he was also a big-headed poser who absolutely loved to show off.

"I need some fresh air." you groaned, getting up from the comfortable position you sank into and walked out the door, still limping. Slowly but surely, you made your way up the stairs and you heard Yuji's voice faintly talking to Gojo.

"I've got a slight feeling that she doesn't like you..."

He giggled lightly and the last thing you heard before turning around the corner was Gojo's low chuckle, then the sound of the TV turning back on. You hobbled outside and you were right, it was already dark out but there was not one cloud in the sky and the stars were twinkling brightly that night. 

You went out to the edge of the forest, a few trees scattered around and a light breeze brushed through your hair as you got down on the grassy patch near the gravel path that lead around the building.

Enjoying the slightly chill wind on your face, you laid down on your back and just gazed up at the stars, roaming your thoughts about the universe, how small you seemed when you observed the bigger picture.

Was it destiny, or coincidence that you ended up here? Or was it a lesson you had to learn? Or maybe a gift that was offered and you just had to accept? What was the plan or how did you have to continue from now on?

Questions over questions popped up in your mind that you had no answer to at that time. 

You closed your eyes and just let your thoughts flow freely, your hands on your stomach and your body just floating in the consciousness until your breathing got steadier and slower. Unintentionally you dozed off for an hour or two and when you awoke, your eyes studied the whole building from top to bottom, no light shining through any of the windows. Except one.

The library.

When you sat up, your gaze rested on that exact window, looking for any shadows lurking beneath, someone that was up at that time, which - truth be told - could only be Nanami. 

There was no movement at all for a few minutes and you figured that this could be your moment. You could do it. 

You stood up and sneaked to the entrance, listening for any sounds again but there was nothing. Maybe Nanami had also gone to bed and just forgot to turn off the light. With light steps, you peeked into the room, only to find it empty. 

This was your chance.

𝑚 𝑒 𝑡 𝑎 𝑛 𝑜 𝑖 𝑎 // JJK x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin