𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎

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"Take care, Choso..." You pressed a kiss on his wet cheek, both of your tears merging into a waterfall of emotions on your faces. "I hope you can heal." He nodded, uncertain if there was anything left to say, but the only thing that you saw when he distanced himself further was a bittersweet smile on his lips.

Your hand reached out, lightly touching his but he squeezed it once to bid his farewell to you finally.

You sank down on the grass and watched him walk away silently while the weight of the realization crashed down on you at last. The thoughts circled around the time that was about to come, a time of insecurity about your own decisions, yet you had to face what you had done. You dozed off on the grassy patch near the tree, curled up in fetal position you had been shifting and twitching in the restless sleep that came upon you.

A loud grumble of your stomach woke you, indicating that it has been a few days since your last meal and that you had to eat something so your brain could get to work again about your way to go on from now.

The jacket that Shoko gave you was warming you up, but now you had to decide between freezing to death or starving, and you had to compromise. You decided to sell the only thing that provided warmth to some homeless man for a small amount of money to get some food.

Even if it was spring, going on to summer the wind was slightly chill and it let goosebumps travel over your arms when it blew around the corner you turned to get to the store. Some Dorayaki, a few bottles of water, some snacks and a tarp were all you could get.

All you had to do now was find a place to stay for the time being until you had the courage to go back to Jujutsu High so you could beg for their forgiveness and hope they understand your reasons; hoping you were able to stay there.

You were ready to do anything, work, clean, whatever they wanted – You just wanted a place that felt a little like home.

After a few hours of walking, you found an abandoned shrine somewhere near the area the school was located, a few hundred feet into the woods. There was no sign of anybody there, it looked like it had been in this destroyed state for a few years at least, there was moss and spiderwebs all over it and you figured that this would act as the perfect secluded space to get your thoughts straight again.

A peaceful place to calm your mind.

Nearby, a small river was rippling down the small hill, splashing on the stones at the side and bringing a little peace of mind with its steady white noise. The birds were chirping every morning and your sleep schedule slowly went back to 'normal' - Which meant dozing off at one or two at night and waking up at sunrise with the serene sounds of nature.

Your food was almost gone, and all you had were a few pieces of your snacks left, as you went down to refill your water bottles and you knew that it was about time to get a grip on reality again. The time was almost there to face your fear and go back to Jujutsu High to bid for accommodation.

Tomorrow would be the day you'd make your way down the hill, when there was not even a crumb of a snack left in your handmade bag, which also utilized as a blanket and a roof, and there was literally no other choice than to seek them out again.

Weariness claimed you later than usual that night and you drifted off into a fitful sleep, twisting and turning on the cold ground and wrapped into your makeshift comforter that worked more bad than good. As small droplets of rain awoke you, you shivered as you sat up and tied the tarp around your bare shoulders to keep your tank top from getting wet.

"Fuck - That's just what I needed..." You mumbled to yourself, cussing at your own stupidity of staying outside without a jacket or anything else that could warm you up.

It was still dark, the moon was shining brightly that night and illuminated your way down the dirt path between the trees as you stumbled down – dizzy from the lack of nutrients and sleep. Your body was just working on the last bit of energy you had when you had to lean onto a tree to keep yourself from passing out.

The lights danced before your eyes as you closed them and you knew, if you didn't get something to eat soon you'll be freezing and/or starving to death right here on this muddy trail.

You just tried your best to keep your feet steady and hold onto the trees for support more times than you'd like to admit – but somehow you made it down the hill and it would only be a few hours until you'd reach their home.

Your shorts were sliding down your hips, and the longer you walked, the more frustrated you got when you had to pull them up every few steps or you'd have to walk in a top and just panties – Which would be really unfavorable to turn up at their doorstep in.

Every few feet, you had to pause and breathe for a minute. This was way more exhausting than you thought it would be, but you weren't surprised it was more demanding than usual because neither had your body been nourished the way it was used to, nor had you been moving much in the last days, so it had to scrape together the last piece of motivation that was available.

You were walking up the hill to the school, literally on your last legs and as you reached the top, the clouds were hanging deep in the sky, the light rain trickling on the tarp around your shoulders. The atmosphere was eerie and unsettling as you stepped through the mossy ground and your hair stuck to your face, dripping wet.

The different shades of green, the forest that was surrounding you was calming your upset mind and the grey clouds were just enhancing the gloomy mood that was hanging in the air. 

As you stepped onto the clearing in front of the school, you were already on the verge of fainting when you saw the boy with the dark spiky hair walking along the path, an umbrella in his hand. He was the only one out there, and you didn't know what time it was when you arrived since it felt like you've been walking for hours at this point.

You tried to speed up your walk towards him, but you overlooked a boulder and tripped over it, sending you face first into the gravel. The sound of you splashing into the mud alerted the boy and he came running towards you, shielding himself from the rain that started to get heavier in the last minutes.

"Hey! What happened?! Is everything okay?!" He knelt down into a puddle and you could see the rain drenching his pants already before you met his gaze. His dark blue eyes and his dark hair resembled the ambience on that day very well; melancholic and moody.

You shook your head, your hand brushing the soaked hair out of your face as the water dripped from your chin down onto the tarp. "No, no it's fine... I was just –" you grumbled, getting back on your feet, "... – dizzy, I guess." He held the umbrella over your head, reached out his arm and helped you stand up again, but all you could do was just concentrate on straightening your posture and shudder from the cold rain.

"We need to get you inside, you're freezing." he mumbled, confused at your sudden appearance and the state you were in as his eyes studied your slim figure.

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