𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟔

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The first half of the day went by in a daze and you wanted to thank principal Yaga for his generosity personally because you didn't have the chance to before. 

Because you were... busy.

Nanami showed you around the place, you finally knew where your room would be since Gojo already told him before he met you in the library that night. The place was beautifully structured, the rooms were big and all had a similar layout, a small bathroom, bed and desk but still enough to live comfortably.

When he led you down the hallway to principal Yaga's office, you admired the paintings that were hung on the walls, everything matched perfectly with the whole mood of the school – japanese art and the colors were chosen carefully by the artists and placed just right to suit the atmosphere.

Everybody was out and about, on missions or whatnot – but since it was your first day and Nanami had been assigned to guide you through the whole process of the missions and how it all worked, you both had been staying there for the rest of the day.

You enjoyed his presence and he was nice to be around, you had many topics you could talk about and he made you laugh even though he seemed more reserved towards all the others - students and teachers likewise.

There was no awkward feeling, no uneasy silence between you two as you strolled along the walkways and your quiet chatter hollowed in the empty school. 

And since there were no obligations between you, there was nothing to stress about anyway.

You got quite nervous, the closer you got to the office and you began picking at your nails again. That habit won't go away and it bothered you so bad. Sometimes, when you were really on edge, you would even rip off parts of your nails – leaving you with bloody and painful fingers.

And you hated it.

"You're free to come back to my room when you're finished talking." he suggested, taking a look at his watch to check the time. "I'll be working until five." He nodded, slipping his hand back into his dresspants and left you there in front of Yaga's door.

He seemed to be really committed to work, always staying up late, finishing his notes and up early to start his tackling his duties right away. Something that stood out to you as well was how he was always checking the time, careful not to work too long – not even a minute longer than he needed to.

Everybody had some small quirks to themselves, and when the nail thing was yours – checking the time was definitely his.

You knocked on the door – three times – waiting for a response, but there was none. No one answered you to come in, so you tried again. After knocking, you slid your hands inside your pockets and waited.

Finally, after a few minutes of dead silence, Yaga's permission for you to enter echoed muffled through the wood.

Stepping inside, the first thing you did was bow, thanking him for this opportunity and his courtesy for letting you stay there.

"You were here on behalf of those curses before, right?" he questioned, no facial expression could have been read underneath his sunglasses. You were a bit taken back by his harsh tone and you glared to the side of the room, narrowing your eyes in aggravation.

Gojo must have told him. What an idiot.

You swore to yourself that if you met him tonight, he'd get scolded. He was going to get a real hard lesson for his betrayal. And Yuji too, because he knew how much of a tattletale Gojo was.

Taking a deep breath, you collected yourself and responded calmly and honestly.

"Yes. I was. But I changed my mind after I spent a few days in the woods and I reorganized my life. I want to do something good with my abilities and improve them."

Principal Yaga nodded, as to acknowledge your statement, but in his opinion it was still not enough to convince him that you'd be able to stand with them if you happened to get in a fight with your abandoned friends and family.

"Show me what you got." he demanded, jerking his chin towards you at the very second he sent the teacup in his hands flying - aimed to the spot you were standing at.

You tried to catch it before it hit the floor, but your shocked expression as it slipped through your fingers worsened into a shriek – your body crashing to the ground with a loud thud.

The shards of the cup were scattered all around you as it shattered into a million pieces, shrilling loudly on the hardwood flooring of the room.


'Show me what you got'?

He meant your abilities.

You needed to do it. NOW.


You concentrated on the teacup and closed your eyes, pinching your brows in full focus on your cursed technique.







The teacup was flying through the air once again and almost in slow motion, you leaped forward to catch it this time.

And there it was. Utterly untouched and not a scratch or crack in sight. 

Right inside your hands.

His expression was still unfazed as he responded in a tight voice, still resting his gaze on your figure in front of him.

"Interesting." he exclaimed bluntly, "You can go back to your room now."

You nodded, bowed down to thank him again, and as you turned around to exit the room, Yaga's voice sounded out again. 

This time was different however, you turned around at what he said and your eyes widened in resentment of what you were hearing, thinking your ears weren't working the right way.

"Tomorrow you're going to train with Satoru Gojo and his students, so he can figure out how we can use your technique to the best interest of our school." You just shook your head, irritated and already dreading the next day as you opened the door and strolled along the hallway.

Just your luck to be paired the president of all the morons that were living in this world.

You huffed a breath of disbelief at your own misfortune and guessed that this was the bad karma everyone was talking about.

Couldn't it be Nanami? That would have been so much easier and more organized. Probably more fun too, than to train with Gojo.

It was already getting late in the afternoon and you didn't want to disturb Nanami's work – all you wanted to be was alone right now, so that's what you did.

You sat outside in the grass, thinking about the next day and how you were going to get this over with, dealing with this jerk of a 'teacher' - and why did you even need a teacher? 

You knew very well to handle your technique, the only thing you didn't know was how to get back the cursed object that was made to work with it.

Enjoying the last rays of the sun, the chirping of the birds and the light rustling of the leaves, you spent the last hours of daylight outside and just calmed yourself down before the storm that was about to arrive – which was called 'tomorrow'

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