Chapter 55

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The two young boys only realized there was another person present when they ran up close. They both cast a glance at Xiao Fuxuan, then, recognizing their master, quickly shrank back behind Wu Xingxue, hiding behind his robe.

Wu Xingxue felt like he had stumbled upon a ghost.

Xiao Fuxuan turned his head, ignoring the babbling boys, and looked straight at him.

Wu Xingxue closed his eyes for a moment.

This was the first time in his life he was so reluctant to reveal his identity.

Maybe I should just make up a name.

Wu Xingxue thought, ready to give up.

After all, this reclusive celestial being likely wouldn't remember the specifics of who's who in Xian Du. Even if he had heard of someone, he wouldn't pay it much mind, let alone match a name to a face.

That's the plan.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw Xiao Fuxuan's lips slightly move, and a deep, low voice emerged, "I have no quarrel with the Spirit King. Why would someone harm me?"

Wu Xingxue: ""

Well, fuck, can't make up anything now.

Hearing this, the two young boys poked their heads out from behind him, their eyes wide with astonishment. Then, looking at Wu Xingxue, they whispered, "Sir, he's that celestial being from the heavens, did we slip up?"

Wu Xingxue: ""

He tugged at the boys' hair buns and asked ominously, "Do you two think you're whispering?"

The boys, dumbfounded, still didn't grasp the capabilities of Xian Du's inhabitants. What they considered a "whisper" was practically loud plotting in front of a distinguished celestial being.

The boys: "Isn't it quiet?"

Wu Xingxue couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing him laugh, the boys, probably out of fear, silently withdrew their heads.

Wu Xingxue kept that smile, then looked up again to meet Xiao Fuxuan's gaze.

"About that," the Spirit King finally said, explaining, "I had just come from Sang Feng, who clung to me, crying for a long while. I couldn't take it anymore, and to get away, I blurted out that line, just a joke, really."

He figured, everyone knew how the Ritual Pavilion wore people down. Once Sang Feng was mentioned, Xiao Fuxuan would surely understand the situation, saving further explanation.

But after hearing this, the celestial being gave him a look and said gravely, "Who is Sang Feng?"

Wu Xingxue was taken aback. "You don't know Sang Feng?"

Xiao Fuxuan: "Should I?"

Wu Xingxue reminded him, "The Ritual Pavilion, the one who sends out the young celestial messengers."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Fuxuan's expression instantly fell.

He didn't really show much emotion, but his immediate understanding at the mention of the young messengers, as if he had suffered greatly from them, seemed particularly amusing to Wu Xingxue.

"It seems the celestial being has been through a lot," Wu Xingxue remarked.

He couldn't hide the amusement in his eyes, and as Xiao Fuxuan looked down at him, he spoke deeply, "It seems the Spirit King's calamity is to have the Ritual Pavilion torment me once more."

Wu Xingxue: ""

Who said the celestial being was taciturn and valued his words like gold?

He flatly denied, "Of course not."

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