Chapter 4

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He had grown used to his leisurely life, but now, with a blade pressed against his throat, he faced a threat unlike any before.

"Are you going to kill me?" he whispered, eyeing Xiao Fuxuan.

Xiao Fuxuan's lips moved, but he offered no reply.

"You can't kill me," Wu Xingxue insisted.

Xiao Fuxuan still held the long sword in his hand, his gaze tracing down the bridge of his straight nose before he finally spoke, his voice low and slightly hoarse from disuse. "Why?"

His words hung in the air, unanswered for a moment. "Because you've mistaken me for someone else," Wu Xingxue replied slowly.

Expecting Xiao Fuxuan to show surprise or furrow his brow, Wu Xingxue was taken aback when he found the man remained unmoved and indifferent.

Wu Xingxue paused, then quickly grasped the situation: "It's likely because the previous owner had committed severe wrongdoings, causing many to suffer, hence why no one would easily believe what he said. I'm truly unjust," he thought to himself.

"They claim you're a celestial immortal, with such a powerful reputation, I..." He spoke softly, then abruptly halted, glancing towards where his subordinates were.

Xiao Fuxuan finally spoke up, "They cannot hear you."

They can't hear? Wu Xingxue only then realized that he hadn't heard any noise from his subordinates for quite some time. It felt as though a snowstorm had encased him, separating everyone else from him.

He pressed his lips together and stated firmly, "You're mistaken, I am not him."

"I am not the demon you're referring to."

Xiao Fuxuan continued to stare at him, and after a lengthy pause, his brow slowly furrowed.

"I don't know if that demon is as scheming and deceitful as you describe, which is why you're hesitant to believe me," Wu Xingxue said with a hint of resignation, "but that's understandable."

He smirked and added, "But I truly am not him. I am not even from this place. If you possess the same abilities as the immortals in this book, you should be able to discern that. At most, I am just an unlucky wandering soul. Would you like to try sensing it?"

As he spoke, he raised his left hand, revealing his vulnerable wrist.

Xiao Fuxuan observed his actions, but remained silent. Wu Xingxue was convinced that he still didn't believe him. After a moment of silence, he felt it was a fruitless effort.

Just as he was about to speak, Wu Xingxue suddenly heard Xiao Fuxuan asking in a low voice, "What is your name and surname, and where do you come from?"

Wu Xingxue looked up at him abruptly and thought for a moment before replying, "That place is called Que Du, which is very different from here. It's hard to explain in just a few words. Since you're an immortal, you must know a lot. Do you have a way to help me?"

Xiao Fuxuan said, "I am in charge of punishment, only knowing how to arrest and punish people."

Wu Xingxue: "..."

He was still holding his wrist, silent for a moment before he let go with a clatter.

I wonder what this appearance reminded Xiao Fuxuan of. He looked for a moment, then suddenly closed his eyes and stood up, drawing his long sword.

Wu Xingxue: "?"

So sudden.

Is this trust? No, that's not right...

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