Chapter 69

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In the beginning, when Ning Huai Shan mentioned "Fang Chu is back," the two people in the room became wary.

This was likely due to their experience in dealing with too many demons, such as suddenly opening their eyes during a rest, or drawing their sword to attack when startled.

Some people appear too coincidentally, and some events happen just right, making them extra cautious.

Xiao Fu Xuan could have added another trick to the guiding talisman given to Ning Huai Shan, which would have allowed them to probe deeply when it adhered to a person, barring it wasn’t Fang Chu, they could simply keep them outside the barrier.

This method was straightforward, but that was all there was to it.

They thought it better to let a person whose purpose was unknown enter alone and quietly observe them from under their own watchful eyes, which might reveal much more.

Thus, the talisman Xiao Fu Xuan gave Ning Huai Shan was just a simple guiding one, without probing or attacking, so as not to alert the person.

However, since this person risked disguising as Fang Chu to enter Que Bu Luo, he must have had his reasons.

Wu Xing Xue looked outside for a while, and after seeing "Fang Chu" sit down at the edge of the corridor and slightly tilt his head towards the room before quickly turning it back, he thought little of it. This gesture could be interpreted as listening for noises or simply as a subordinate’s pure concern.

After that, he sat with his back to the bedroom without immediately looking around, revealing no further characteristics, making it difficult to determine his identity for the time.

"He’s quite good at keeping his composure," Wu Xing Xue said.

Xiao Fu Xuan was "waiting for the right moment."

Wu Xing Xue murmured softly, "Hmm, anyone a bit cunning knows to wait. Those who can’t wait to run around right after closing the door are like Ning Huai Shan."

Ning Huai Shan sneezed loudly in the side room.

"Someone must be bored enough to curse me," he muttered, sitting cross-legged on the couch, rubbing his nose, and looking out into the courtyard, muttering, "That damned Fang Chu, actually just sitting there motionless, he used to at least check on me."

He was oblivious to the fact that "Fang Chu" was not himself, and contemplated secretly sending a message to lure Fang Chu to chat with him, even if it meant exchanging insults, as he couldn't stand the silence.

Ning Huai Shan thought for a moment, rubbed his fingers together, and flicked them towards a crack in the window.

This was his usual tactic to provoke Fang Chu—a burst of energy wrapped around a whispered message, provoking him a couple of times until Fang Chu would come over with a long face asking if he was out of his mind.

As his burst of energy went with the wind and bumped into Fang Chu’s waist, he whispered, "You’re not Fang Chu."

"Fang Chu" was jolted a bit but quickly steadied himself, showing a moment of tension before turning to look this way.

Seeing this, Ning Huai Shan smirked, thinking he was right. There was a spot on Fang Chu that was ticklish; nudging it twice would surely make him jump. He interpreted the other's tension as a ticklish reaction.

So he rubbed another burst of energy and sent it out, bumping Fang Chu’s waist again, whispering, "You’ve changed, I was ordered by the lord to reflect, and you didn’t come to mock me, you are no longer that Fang Chu."

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