Chapter 12

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In the eyes of the disciples of the Hua family, the family head, Hua Zhaoting, had not wielded his sword for a long time.

After the fall of the immortal capital, those few in the immortal sects closest to ascension became the supreme beings of the mortal world, unrivaled by anyone.

Although in recent years, demons have been rampant and increasingly audacious without restraint. But every time they were exterminated, it was a collective effort of the sect, and there were few instances where Hua Zhaoting seriously needed to draw his sword.

The last time was a very long time ago in the fields of Jia Ming. The Hua family and the people of Zhao Ye City met on a narrow path. The Black Bodhisattva, not knowing what mischief he was helping the city lord Wu Xingxue to commit, was stopped by a sword from Hua Zhaoting.

Hua Zhaoting entered the path with his sword. Although he spoke politely and was courteous in his daily life, that was only because he had been the family head for too long, dealing with sect affairs every day, which cultivated his demeanor.

Anyone who had seen him make a move knew that his swordsmanship naturally carried a brisk pleasure and a domineering aura that pierced straight into the sky.

Among those few who were nearly ascended, he might not be the most powerful, but he was indeed not one to be trifled with.

And at this moment, as the golden sword light came piercing through the clouds, the disciples of the Hua family heard a long metallic ringing that echoed throughout Peach Blossom Island—

Hua Zhaoting had drawn his sword!

The disciples' blood boiled instantly.

Those who were in the fields of Jia Ming back then still remember the stunning brilliance and overwhelming momentum when the family head unsheathed his long sword.

Now they were fortunate to witness it again.

Thus, nearly a thousand disciples of the Hua family turned their wrists, and the myriad of flying swords they summoned instantly changed direction! Following Hua Zhaoting, the tips of their swords all aimed at the giant golden sword falling from the sky.

But as soon as the flying swords were released, the disciples' faces changed dramatically!

Because they saw Hua Zhaoting's sword.

The clear sword aura that used to wrap around the blade was nowhere to be seen, replaced by web-like red threads, running down from the hilt, covering the entire blade. Those who were close could even smell a sweet and fishy scent on the sword.

The moment he drew his sword, the skins, heads, and remnants of demons in the courtyard all stirred.


Something was really wrong!

There was a problem with this sword!

The hearts of the people were filled with shock and horror, but then another thought flashed through their minds—

What if the problem wasn't with the sword?

What if... the family head leading them to pursue the demons this night wasn't intent on capturing them, but was like those pilgrimaging demon remnants and Doctor  Wusheng?

For the past twenty-five years, every disciple within Peach Blossom Island had to visit the Punishment Hall morning and evening to prevent anyone who was possessed by a demon from blending in. Even the elder of the Punishment Hall was no exception.

This order was given by the family head, and only two people had never been checked. One was Doctor Yi Wusheng, who often closed himself off due to poor health. The other was the family head Hua Zhaoting himself.

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