Chapter 65

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Long ago, Ning Huaishan once told Fang Chu that if there was a place in this world where deities would never appear, it surely would be Quebuluo. The most unimaginable thing for him in his life was to see a deity in Quebuluo. (This also means birds nest.)

Later, Ning Huaishan also confided to Fang Chu that the most unimaginable thing in his life was for the city lord to be absent, and for them to have to live together with a celestial being from the heavens.

Now, both scenarios had come to pass.

Standing in the city lord's bedroom, Ning Huaishan wondered what virtues or abilities he possessed to face these two situations alone, simultaneously. Perhaps, he thought, he had committed some grave sins.

From the moment he had chased after them and witnessed the self-sealed gates of Quebuluo being blasted open by the celestial being, he found himself in a state of utter astonishment.

It was either a dream, or he had gone mad.

Twenty-five years had passed.

He could never have imagined, even in his wildest dreams, that twenty-five years later, his return to Quebuluo would depend on a celestial being. When he crossed the threshold, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Quebuluo was actually quite large, with winding corridors and numerous buildings, its layout forming a complex array. Any stranger entering would easily get lost among the corridors, unable to distinguish one room from another, let alone find the city lord's quarters.

Overwhelmed by shock, Ning Huaishan almost forgot to guide the way.

It was only upon stepping into the corridor that he suddenly remembered to speak up, but before he could, he saw the celestial being stride directly towards the city lord's bedroom without missing a step, as if familiar with the way.

Ning Huaishan missed his step and stumbled down three stairs.

As he stumbled, he thought to himself, "Fang Chu, come and see this," but Fang Chu was nowhere to be seen.

He followed the celestial being into the room, unable to intervene, until he saw the being lifting the city lord onto the bed. Only then did he find an opportunity to speak up, taking a deep breath to say, "Celestial being."

He wanted to explain that the city lord, no matter what situation he found himself in, would always leave a bit of his consciousness aware. Whether asleep or unconscious, they had absurdly believed that even in death, the city lord would retain a sliver of consciousness.

This bit of consciousness was more terrifying than when fully awake, as any contact would trigger a deadly move, and any mishandling could be fatal.

When they had sneaked into the Northern Region of Canglang during its destruction, what they saw confirmed this. The city lord, barely breathing moments before, would tear apart any beast that attacked him and then lightly land on a dry branch.

Ning Huaishan felt that it was only upon landing on the tree that the city lord lethargically half-opened his eyes.

Thus, although they could normally speak with the city lord, they trembled that night, fearing his unclear state of mind.

This was especially true during the city lord's tribulation periods, when he extremely disliked having others around. At critical moments, the doors would be sealed, and no sound from inside could be heard by anyone outside.

Yet, just as Ning Huaishan finished saying "extremely," he saw the celestial being gently touch the city lord's forehead.

Right after he finished saying "very" twice, he saw Tianxiu bending down and lightly touching the forehead of the city lord.

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