Chapter 71

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Yi Wusheng was taken aback and said, "Yes."

He instinctively wanted to ask what the regret was, but quickly realized that anything involving a "lifetime" was not something that could be explained in just a few words. Even if he did say it, it would be something only he could truly understand.

It would be like revealing a scar and getting a sigh in return. Yi Wusheng truly couldn't bring himself to ask. He wasn't that kind of person.

He quickly waved his hand and said, "I was really abrupt this time. Today, I..."

He paused for a moment, sighed and smiled, "I have felt a lot today, feeling a bit confused, and may have spoken out of turn. I apologize for any offense, young master, please forgive me."

The person next to him remained silent, lost in thought. It was only after hearing his words that he came back to his senses and replied in a deep voice, "It's okay."

As they were talking, someone approached and bowed to Yi Wusheng, asking, "Are you here to burn incense?"

This person was a incense burner in the temple, dressed in a plain robe of practice, with a simple bun typical of disciples of the Immortal Sect. They would spread incense to visitors who came to burn incense. These incense burners were common in the temples of the major cities but less so in the mountains and wilderness.

Ever since the sealing of the Great Sorrow Valley in the present world, it had been deserted and desolate, with no incense burners. Unexpectedly, on this line hundreds of years ago, such a lively scene was seen again.

The incense burner handed Yi Wusheng three long incense sticks, held together, and offered them to him.

Of course, Yi Wusheng was not here to burn incense and worship gods; he only had a karmic relationship with the Great Sorrow Valley. However, seeing the incense burner's smiling and enthusiastic face, he did not refuse.

He took the three long incense sticks and looked at them with complex eyes for a while before suddenly speaking, "Junior Apprentice Brother."

"May I ask what brings you here?" The incense burner was hesitating whether to offer incense to Xiao Fuxuan. In his eyes, this man in soap clothes seemed cold and aloof, not like someone who would pray to the gods.

Yi Wusheng twirled the incense and asked gently, "May I ask, young master, what year is this?"

The incense burner, who was at the age of just entering the Immortal Sect, probably rarely encountered visitors like Yi Wusheng and Xiao Fuxuan. He was puzzled by the question and blinked, asking, "Ah?"

Yi Wusheng smiled, tapped his forehead, and said, "To be honest, I had a serious illness before, and I tend to be confused, often unable to tell the days apart. Please forgive me."

Those who came to the temple to burn incense usually had some troubles, and illness was the most common one. The incense burner immediately nodded in understanding.

He politely replied, "This is the 29th year of Suining."

Yi Wusheng nodded, "Suining."

The reign of Suining was too distant for him, so it was actually quite unfamiliar.

According to the records, this reign did not last long.

In the year when Luohua Mountain City was burned, the earthly reign changed from "Suining" to "Qinghe," hoping to calm the heavenly fire with the water in the reign name.

After that, the reign of "Qinghe" lasted for 275 years, during which Yi Wusheng was born.

It was not until Wu Xingxue was imprisoned in the northern domain of Canglang that the earthly reign changed back to "Tianshu."

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