Chapter 57

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Upon hearing the words "be guests," the twelve children suddenly sprang to life.

Being guests sounded wonderful.

It meant they weren't being sent away.

Considering the antics of a certain adult, these little beings were actually a bit more lively than living people. They could be described as exceptionally spirited actors.

One moment they were overshadowed by gloom, and the next, they were laughing so hard their eyes squinted.

Xiao Fuxuan wasn't paying attention, and just like that, the twelve children disappeared without a sound.

Looking up again, they had already lined up on both sides of the entrance to the Spring Breeze Gate, six on each side, neatly arranged, hands clasped in front of them as they bowed slightly, their voices soft and milky, "Sir, please."

Xiao Fuxuan was speechless.

Wu Xingxue silently turned his face away, feeling that perhaps he had gone a bit too far with his actions.

His own two children were utterly dumbfounded, and after a long while, they looked up and said, "Sir, this is—"

Before they could finish, Wu Xingxue's fingers moved behind his back.

The two little ones meant to say, "This is the lively and performative nature you spoke of," but the words that came out of their mouths turned into, "These are the children of Lord Celestial, wow."

The children were speechless.

They touched their mouths, feeling something was terribly wrong with the gate.

Wu Xingxue glanced at the tops of their heads, thinking to himself that these two little ones, aside from anything else, were incredibly skilled at betraying their master—and in front of the same person, no less.

If only they had chosen someone else.

Fortunately, Xiao Fuxuan's attention was entirely on the twelve lined-up children, seemingly oblivious to the small movements here.

Wu Xingxue immediately felt relieved.

The twelve children had been bowing for a long time without seeing their master move, and they all started looking up in confusion, saying, "Sir?"

But as they looked up, they saw their master's numb face.

The children quietly returned to their positions, leaving two rows of spikey, chirping heads for the Celestial.

Wu Xingxue, completely forgetting he was the instigator, watched the commotion with glee in his eyes.

He warned Xiao Fuxuan, "If you don't enter now, be careful they might perform again for you."

No sooner had he spoken than he felt a breeze past the tip of his nose, and Xiao Fuxuan was already standing in the courtyard of the Spring Breeze.

Wu Xingxue, with a smile, closed the door and strode into the house.

Walking by his side, Xiao Fuxuan lagged half a step behind.

Even in this short distance, Wu Xingxue could understand what the people of Xian Du often said: even without speaking, the presence of the Celestial Immortal was extraordinarily pronounced.

Long mist curtains hung over the doorway, and the two children, now quite adept, dashed over to part them to the sides.

Lord Lingwang finally observed the courtesy of hosting, stepping aside to let the guest enter first.

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