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Y/N GOT HERSELF READY AS, she looked to and away from her phone while her friend, Aliza, laid in her bed, a look of confusion and slight disgust over her face. When she recommended something like this to her friend, she wasn't actually expecting her to build a relationship with him. She thought it was be a one time thing and go, but no, she really was different from all of the others she knew. It wasn't like that was a bad thing in her eyes, but she thought the whole thing could also be sketchy.

"Are you sure you wanna do this Y/N?? I mean, just think about it. He gets fucked by other women for a living, isn't that insane to you..?" She scoffed out while running a hand through her dark curly hair, an eyebrow raising as she asked the question as if Y/N wasn't already aware.

Y/N could only shrug as she continued checking herself out in the mirror, trying to see anything that could cause Sawyer to run away from her. When she didn't notice anything too off about her appearance she smiled to herself and finally acknowledge her best friend once again, "I know what he does for a living, Aliza. That's literally how I met him and got to know him. I just... really like him now.."

There was a loud groan that erupted out of Y/Ns phone that made her eyes raise in slight shock from the random sound, "Jesus! All im saying is.. this is just weird to me, okay..?! Does he even know about Zeke??"

Pausing at her the mention of her ex boyfriend that still she still seemed to have some kind of crazy thing for, Y/N then gulped and pushed her hands together, the awkwardness now entering her. She didn't know Aliza would pull that card tonight, but now that she did, her feelings were hurt. She began to wonder if Sawyer was really some kind of distraction from Zeke after all.

"I'm guessing he doesn't.." the curly haired female huffed out, a look of disappointment now showing on her face, "Look, I'm only trying to look out for you, okay Y/N...? It's nothing personal at all, and.. I didn't mean to just blurt that out. Zeke was in the past, but you're.. still not over him. I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want you to feel like you're forcing yourself to go on this date with a prostitute either."

Feeling that goosebumps that ran over her skin with each word her friend let out, the girl could only stare back at herself in the mirror some more, trying to ignore her friends words as she did so, "I'm not. I told you... I like him."

There was a dull and random rasp that lingered throughout the H/C haired woman's voice, and Aliza couldn't help but feel bad, but she still knew she had to hear the rough truth, even if it meant hurting her feelings, "Do you really like him or are you just trying to find any piece of romantic connection with anyone just for the fun of it?"

Now feeling as if her entire night was completely ruined just by that cold question, Y/N shot her hand out to her device and yolked it up, her E/C eyes having a look of disbelief hinted through them, "Wow, I thought you would be happy for me... I didn't know you just wanted me to be a slut for the one time. I thought you wanted me to find love."

"I do want you to find love, I really do. But definitely not like this. Think, Y/N. He gets fucked by multiple different women, you don't know that much about him, only the difference, you might as well only see him as some sex symbol, and it's like he only ever comes out at night. This is freaky... He's either trying to run your money, break your heart, or he'll end up messing with some other woman. Would you want that for yourself...?"

Y/Ns heart shattered in many different places, but she just pursed her lips and let a down expression make its way to her face. She knew Aliza was telling the truth, but now she didn't even feel like she would ever be happy again, "You're supposed to uplift me, Aliza... That actually hurt me..."

Finally realizing what she'd done, the curly haired girl then piped up and started sitting herself up in her bed, a look of fear on her face now, "Oh... no.. That's not what I was trying to do, Y/N...! I was just.. looking out for you, I'm so sorry.. Damn it, I'm.... It's whatever, just.. go on and enjoy your date. He is a handsome guy after all."

Reaching her thumb to the red icon for a split second, that's when Y/N hit the button and she saw her friends face vanish while she tossed her phone onto the counter infront of her, "Damn it... I almost forgot about Zeke. She just had to remind me of him..."

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