Chapter 64 - Premonition

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Elektra's pov:

When the elevator opened I saw to my great surprise Andros tightly hugging and passionately kissing a blonde woman. I gave her a quick upside down glance. She was tall with long blonde hair and a fit body. She was gorgeous!

-"What the hell?" I commented in frustration.

-"What are you doing here? Are you following me?" he asked angrily.

-"What? Of course not! I lost my phone and came to search for it"

-"Here?" he wondered incredulously.

-"That's not the point Andros. Who is this woman?"

-"I am his mate" the blonde woman replied.

-"Your what?"

-"I thought your mate was dead along with your four year old child"

-"We don't have a child" the woman intervened again.

-"Is this your second chance mate?" I addressed to Andros. I knew that second chance mates were scarce but maybe Andros was lucky enough to find her and didn't have the opportunity to tell me about it.

-"What? No! I am his first and only mate" the blonde protested.

-"Well, everything you told me a few minutes ago was a total lie...." I commented sadly and turned to leave while he did nothing to prevent me or explain to me. He just stood there motionless.

As I entered the elevator I felt my whole world falling apart. Andros had lied to me. Although I know I haven't been honest with him these past few days, I never expected him to treat me like that. Alexander was right once again! Andros isn't who I thought he was...

I left quickly. I couldn't stand being in the same room with them anymore. Every time I make a fresh start, something happens that turns everything upside down. Why is this happening to me? Am I really cursed as Bartholomew told me once?

I feel so stupid! How could I believe that a stranger would love me more than my mate, a mate that although I rejected and treated disparagingly was by my side in every difficulty I faced. I was mean and unfair with Alex who really cared about me while I treated Andros with respect and care who did nothing but using me to find work and connections in this city. How foolish I have been!

I got into my car and started the engine without having a specific direction in mind. I was so frustrated and disappointed. Once again my life was destroyed in a blink of an eye. Andros cheated on me, Alexander wants nothing to do with me and I stand here and watch my world falling apart once again....At the moment I don't have a clue over what to do.....The only thing I know, the only thing I want is go away....... When things get tough I usually leave. But where should I go? Here I was able to start a new life, a new job and I'm okay with this. Plus I don't have anywhere else to go.....

-"What about returning to the Black Shadow pack?" Frostie suggested inside my head.

I can't go back to the Black Shadow pack, even though David begged me to do so several times. Memories are still fresh from my previous life....a life that was filled with lies and deception.

-"Then go to the Silver Dawn pack" Frostie intervened again.

-"I can't go there especially when things between me and Alexander are so bad ".

-"He can't deny your stay! You belong to this pack by blood and origin"

-"I know but I prefer not to rush things. I don't want to force him to accept me. I just can't!"

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