Chapter 6

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           -Fire Capital, Land of Fire-

The winter sun shone over the Fire Capital, giving a pleasant warmth to all the inhabitants below. The people had no idea of what happened last night, save that they were attacked and it was repelled. The truth of what happened, not even the daimyo knew;  only three people truly knew the events of last night.

''Uncle, where is that yellow haired boy? The one who was white like paper.'' The niece of the Fire Daimyo, Noha, asked her uncle. ''The one from the ninja village.''

''You mean Naruto, niece? He's recovering in his room.'' The daimyo answered. ''Why do you ask?''

''He... he was the one who saved me from the monster last night.''

''Is that so? Well, in that case, then the boy should be rewarded for saving you.'' The daimyo said.

''Uncle, can I go meet Naruto?''

''Of course. Your new caretakers will escort you to them but don't play rough with the boy, okay Noha? He's still recovering and all.'' The daimyo told his niece and the caretakers took her to meet Naruto.

(Naruto's room)

A bit of sunlight came over Naruto's now pale skin and he started to wake up. The sudden groan he let out alerted the old Hokage to his waking. ''Naruto.'' Hiruzen said the boy's name and stood up to check on Naruto.

He missed the whisker like marks that were once on the blonde's cheeks. It had vanished after the Senju compound test of courage event.

''Gramps, you're okay.'' Naruto said with a smile and then he remembered the events of last night. ''Last night... we... I-''

''Calm down, Naruto, calm down. Have a glass of water and some medicine first.'' Hiruzen said and gave the blonde some water and a pill. After Naruto finished drinking, the Hokage sat down and got serious. ''Naruto, you owe me an explanation. What is with your eye and what were those things you commanded?''

''I'm... I'm sorry for not telling you, Gramps. But... my eye... when I first saw it, I wanted to tell you but...''

''But what, Naruto? Don't be afraid to tell me.''

''I wanted to tell you but the pain hurt as I tried to run to you. It told me to not tell you.''

'The eye told him? Strange. There hasn't been any instance of dojutsu being sentience before.' Hiruzen mused and looked back at Naruto. ''But now, you are telling me and it doesn't hurt, right Naruto?''

''I think... I think the eye trusts you, Gramps.'' Naruto told the old Hokage. It was the only explanation as to why there wasn't a surge.

''So your eye can talk, is that it Naruto? There hasn't been any instance of dojutsu being sentient or showing any signs of it as far I'm aware.'' Hiruzen told the boy and Naruto was a bit confused on that part. ''Dojutsu is the eye based bloodline of a clan, Naruto. The most notable examples being the Uchiha's sharingan and the Hyuga clan's byakugan-- each having it's own powers, abilities and it's uses. Your eye however, is an unknown.''

''Aígli Théama-- the Glamour Sight. That's the name of the eye, Gramps. It told me so.''

''Aígli Théama huh? I'm afraid I do not recognize what language that is, Naruto. But if the eye told you that it is it's name, then I'll just have to take your word for it. Can you tell me any powers or abilities it may possess, Naruto?'' Hiruzen asked the boy.

Naruto answered, ''I could see the flow of something, Gramps. I think it was catrja. And-''

''Chakra, Naruto.'' Hiruzen corrected the boy.

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