Chapter 20

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Team 7 arrived at the tower in the middle of the forest on the second day of the chunin exams phase 2. They were the third team to arrive, being beaten by Team 8 and the Sand Siblings on who would be the earliest to arrive.

For Sakura Haruno, she could finally have some much needed rest and medical attention. However, she was troubled by her first kill and the seal on Sasuke's neck. The Uchiha seemed... to be much colder than before;  as if the seal was influencing him to be colder towards his teammates and desired only violence.

''Are you okay, Sakura?'' Naruto's voice snapped the pink haired kunoichi out of her thoughts.

''What? Yeah. I'm fine, Naruto.'' Sakura replied with a nervous smile. ''Say, Naruto, do you think Sasuke is going to be fine? I mean, with what that Orochimaru did to him?''

''I think so, Sakura.'' Naruto answered. ''Sakura, somethings troubling you.'' Naruto told her. ''What is it, Sakura?''

''It's... it's nothing, Naruto.''

''If you don't want to talk about it, then I won't pressure you to say it, Sakura.'' Naruto told her and was about to walk away but Sakura called him, making him stop and turn back.

''Naruto... last night, I...'' Sakura had difficulty trying to speak her mind. ''I told you that a team of Rain genin attacked me and I fought them off, winning a scroll in the process. But... I wasn't entirely telling you the truth. I... I killed one of them, Naruto.'' She said and tears started to form on her eyes. ''Naruto, am I... am I bad person?''

''No, Sakura.'' Naruto told her. ''It was inevitable, having to get a first kill. It's the life of a ninja. But, you did it to protect me and Sasuke from danger. When someone kills because they enjoy and can, then, they are no true ninja. Just a bunch of psychopaths, bullies who only want others to suffer for their enjoyment. So, you are not a bad person, Sakura Haruno. At least, to me, you're not.''

Sakura wiped her tears away from her eyes and looked at Naruto with a somber smile. ''T-thank you, Naruto. I... I needed that. Listen, about what Orochimaru said, I'll keep quiet about it, Naruto. You have my word.''

Naruto's mood dropped significantly upon being reminded of that. ''Yeah. Thanks Sakura;  I knew I can rely on you. If you need me, I'll be in my designated room.'' Naruto told his teammate and left.

''Hey!'' The loud voice of Kiba Inuzuka surprised Sakura. ''Good to finally see a familiar face. Was sick of having only those Sand nin to see.''

''Congratulations on making it to the tower, Sakura.'' Hinata Hyuga congratulated the pink haired genin. ''If you're here, then... that means Naruto is also here.''

''Hmph. So Sasuke and Naru-wimp are also here. Big deal.'' Kiba said.

''If they reached the tower despite the forest's dangers and numerous other genin, then they can hardly be called weak, Kiba.'' Shino Aburame told his teammate.

''Oh come on! You're supposed to be on my team, Shino. Naruto's just a weakling, right Akamaru?'' Kiba asked but his dog didn't feel the same. Akamaru could sense dark and sinister things in the this tower, but none seemed stronger than the one originating from Naruto.

''Naruto's not weak, Kiba.'' Sakura Haruno told the Inuzuka. ''He's determined, strong, never backs down from a fight and will always support his teammates no matter the odds. So don't you dare insult him when I'm around.''

''Naruto? Strong? Pfft.'' Kiba almost felt like laughing. ''Ha! Good joke, Sakura. Ah, well. It was nice seeing you.'' He told her and walked away.

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