Chapter 16

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How long has it been? Issei has defeated many of the drakes... None of them were too powerful. They were just normal enemies, something that Issei could defeat without much difficulty. How many times had he leveled up? Was it four times... five times... he had lost count since he had been at it for ten hours. He still hadn't met the conditions to fight the boss just yet. How many bronze coins did he get? Easily enough for 2 silver coins.

"I wonder... When will I be able to fight against the boss of this dungeon?" Upon hearing that, Issei heard a loud screech behind him. Turning to see who was behind him, he was met with a draconic woman standing twice as tall as him with blood-shot eyes and purplish-hair that flowed down her shoulders while her draconic horns curled from the top of her head and continued looping in circles until they reached down to her hips.


Mini-Boss incoming

Name: Elisa the Draconic Empress

Race: Drake

Title: Draconic Empress

Level: 40

HP: 4800/4800

MP: 2700/2700

STR: 43 (+20)

AGL: 42 (+8)

END: 46 (+18)

INT: 36

Bonus: Pure immunity to fire


Alright... Here comes the mini boss.

She was powerful, but Issei felt with all his damage reduction and his powerful Great Sword combined with his skills, he could overpower her in a clash. He just needed to deal a powerful lethal blow and he would control the fight from there.

"Human... enemy... me... devour." A few simple words and she lunged towards Issei.

Grabbing his Great Sword, Issei activated Lion's Claw. The woman saw this and giggled thinking that Issei was an idiot to simply use this attack while she was lunging at him. Swiping her claws towards Issei, she was able to land a blow onto Issei. However, thanks to Issei's insane defense and his hyper armor from Lion's Claw, he was able to tank straight through the blow and a devastating blow of his own. Slamming the woman straight into the ground and shattering the obsidian surface, Issei heard her screech before summoning some flames from her mouth. Not taking any chances, Issei activated Tank and quickly charged an energy wave with his sword and shot it straight towards the woman's fire breath.

Issei's attack, thanks to his superior strength, was able to pierce straight through the fire breath. If it had not been for the dragon woman's quick reflexes, she would have been in critical shape. The only thing that was cut was her right wing when she dived to the right just in the brink of time. Blood began spewing out of her wings as Issei watched her glare at him with pure hatred.

"Human hurt me! Human bad!"

Before Issei could respond, he was kicked right in the side. Being sent flying, skidding across the surface, and coming to a halt by using his sword and stabbing it into the ground. Issei turned his attention to the new opponent.


Mini-Boss incoming

Name: Elizabeth the Warrior

Race: Drake

Title: Draconic Warrior

Level: 39

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