Chapter 21

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Issei came back from the meeting with Artemis and to be met with his mother in front of him with a stern expression. "Where have you been?"

"I was with my friends... didn't you see the note?"

"Did you get permission from me?"

Issei groaned and replied with, "I'm 17 mom... I'm not a baby anymore."

Miki snapped back, "And where do you think you live again? Oh right... my house. If you live in my house, you live with my rules. One of those rules is, let me think..." Miki playfully placed her finger on her chin and began thinking, "If Issei was to do anything, he should consult with his parents first... Right Garou?"

His father was sitting on the couch, slumped against the back of it and reading the newspaper. Hearing his wife, he simply sighed knowing that his son was making trouble again, "Yes honey... Now where was I?"

Miki smiled, a smile that meant the worst for Issei, "Guess who is grounded?"

"... Not me."

"No cheesecake for a month nor any more Gundam's in the house... Understand?"

Widening his eyes upon hearing her threat, Issei began panicking. Two of his favorite things not being given to him anymore for a month straight... this was true hell. "You- "

"No talking back to your mother." She smugly smiled at her son.

Groaning and heading back upstairs, Issei was a little frustrated. Wait... he still needed to kill the strays he told he would deal with to Sona and Rias. Deciding that he could release some frustration on these unfortunate monsters, Issei jumped straight out of his window and straight towards the first stray devil. Landing in front of another abandoned factory, Issei can't help but notice that these factories in Kuoh were truly the golden places for these stray devils.


Danger ahead: Stray devils, a horde of them ahead

Defeated: 0/10

Reward: Level Up

+Reputation with Rias and Sona


Another quest requiring him to kill a horde, didn't really bother him. Hopefully, nothing crazy shows up and decides to mess with him. Last time he had Rias and her peerage to help him, this time he had none to help him. Busting the door down, Issei was met with a stench of cold, raw blood crawling up his nose. He shivered in disgust before calming down thanks to the white aura returning.

"Oh... another one decides to show up?" He heard a stray from above. Turning to see the stray, it was a Arachne. With her 8 legs and huge spider body connecting to a small fragile humanoid body, Issei noticed that she wasn't alone. There were 8 Arachne hanging up on the ceiling.


Name: Arachne

Title: Stray Devil

Race: Devil

Level: 30-35

HP: 2600-2700/2600-2700

MP: 800-850/800-850

STR: 42-44

AGL: 32-44

END: 52-54

INT: 32-34


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