Chapter 25

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Issei stood on top of a mountain and looked down to see a huge opening filled with monsters all around his level. However, the difference between these monsters and the boss level monsters from before was that they had normal stats. Their strength, agility, endurance, and intelligence were closer to their level rather than matching his strength stat.

'What if... I land a nuclear blast in the middle without them noticing me from up here?' Grabbing a few large mana potions, Issei chugged them to max out his mana and did the same with his health. Using all of his potions, Issei looked straight into the middle of the large crowd of monsters, who were fighting each other, and began charging as much as he could. Igniting himself with his own magic, his health began draining, but his body began shining so brightly that the sky itself began illuminating from his brightness. His entire body was filled with the crimson-dark energy to the point where the outline of his body disappeared.

Shooting straight into the sky as high as he could, Issei looked down and blasted himself straight towards the crowd of monsters. There was at least a thousand of them... Issei would call this attack...

"The Final Wish"

The monsters looked up to see a bright projectile the size of a human crash straight into the surface with so much force to the point where the entire mountain itself collapsed. A huge wave of pure illuminated plasma energy began expanding at such speeds that it blinded anyone who looked even closed to his direction. Incinerating everything in the area, every single monster screeched before becoming ashes as Issei annihilated them all. With his huge strength boost that he got combined with using all his mana at once, Issei shook the entire area and caused the clouds, from the shockwave of his explosions, to circulate all around him. In seconds, the weather changed from snowy to rainy and continue alternating.

Once the explosion dissipated, nothing was left besides a crater that continued spewing out magma. Not even Issei himself remained...

He only received four level ups from his nuclear ending...

Opening his eyes while gasping for air, Issei jumped off from his bed to see his surroundings. Looking confused... Issei finally remembered that he would respawn back to his original location once he died in the dimension.


Monsters defeated: 1000+

Time survived: 4 hours 20 minutes

Host had defeated 3 true boss level enemies.

Evaluating performance...



Host had performed impressively well and went off with a bang. Killing many more enemies than what was expected.

Race change options will be given...

1. Crystallized Golem (Rank: Legendary)

2. Titan (Rank: Legendary)

3. Dragon (Rank: Legendary)

Dragon will be more magic focused than the other two. Titan will be more focused on tanking and strength while Crystallized Golem will be pure strength.


Issei immediately chose Titan. Crystallized Golem would make him a true glass cannon which is what he didn't want. He wanted to tank and hit hard and not just be a fucking nuclear bomb but can't take a hit at all.

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