Chapter 41

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"Artemis, you can't win." Swinging his sword, Orion was able to brutally cut Artemis, leaving a deadly, gushing cut.

Issei knew what he needed to do. Using a mana potion, he refilled his mana points and rushed straight into the battle field. Orion noticed this and smirked, Issei was nowhere near the power of Artemis meaning he was nowhere near the power of Orion. However, Orion noticed as Issei started to slow down next to Artemis.

"Issei, you need to leave. This fight is too much for you." Noticing that Artemis was wearing his chest plate that he gave to her, Issei smiled a little.

"Orion, was that your name?"

"Yes, now can the children leave the area. The adults are talking."

"I'm glad I didn't go down your path. I'm glad I didn't become a perverted monster. I'm glad that I wasn't a creep to your level. If I ever became what you are now, I would be in your situation."

"Which is?"

"You're a forgotten sin for you have no one to love nor care for you."

"What are you talking about forgotten. I am a constellation! I am the ORION!"

"Who the fuck cares?"

Orion looked down at Issei with a glare," Excuse me, what do you mean?"

"Who the hell looks up and cares for the stars? Who the fuck even knows you? Who the fuck wants to know you? You're just a constellation... that people forget exist."

Glaring at Issei, Orion was having enough of this kid. What Orion didn't notice was the fact that Issei being near Artemis was healing her. He was making sure to distract the overly confident man to prolong the fight between Artemis and him but he was healing her. Artemis was confused in why Issei was speaking ill about someone who could kill him in seconds, but she began to feel much better now. Seeing her wounds closing, she widened her eyes and noticed Issei healing her.

Carefully, Issei bought a large health potion and made sure to make his hand face away from Orion to hide most of the view of the potion. Handing the potion to Artemis, who was behind him, was able to drink the potion before Orion could notice. Once Orion noticed Artemis being nearly fully healed, he widened his eyes.

"You were stalling the fight out! You wanted to heal Artemis! I should have known this!"

Throwing his hammer at full force, Issei watched as Orion chuckled upon seeing the attempt. Stone walling the hammer, Orion merely taunted Issei, "Was that really the best you got?"

"Who said anything about hurting you?"

Orion looked confused before he noticed the hammer igniting. Exploding right in front of the warrior, Orion was sent flying in the air thanks to the trajectory of the explosion. Being unharmed, Orion was very frustrated with Issei.

That was when he rushed straight at Issei, slamming his fist straight into Issei's gut. Trying to defend against the blow, Issei felt nearly all his health pool depleted as he was launched straight into the ground with his Balance Breaker being broken... coughing up blood, Issei was only barely able to survive that attack. The sheer power difference was too large, it was thanks to his immense health pool he was even able to survive.

"Huh? You're still alive after that. I guess I'll have to finish the job before having Artemis for myself."

Artemis, upon seeing Issei being brutally beaten with a single blow and seeing him in such a critical condition, finally had enough and snapped. A huge divine aura began engulfing the entire arena as Artemis began increasing her power even further. Staring right into Orion's eyes, Artemis began preparing a finisher move.

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